Creates tests for endpoint both happy and sad path for graceful failure
Creates Medalists Controller within Events to maintain RESTful routing
Creates Medalists Serializer to ensure data is formatted correctly
Creates route for Medalists endpoint
Ensures that the data is presented properly while working off of large data sets
All tests passing 100% coverage
What did you struggle on to complete?
I banged my head against the wall about ordering medalists by their medal.
I think it might have been a flaw in how I generated the data and was handling it.
In the end to protect my sanity I left it be and it will pull data in the order it retrieves it from the database. Not ideal but functional.
Current Test Suite:
Test Coverage Percentage: 100%
[x] No Tests have been changed
[ ] Some Tests have been changed
[ ] All of the Tests have been changed(Please describe what in the world happened):
[x] My code has no unused/commented out code
[x] I have reviewed my code
[ ] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas
[x] I have fully tested my code
[ ] I have partially tested my code (please explain why):
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What functionality does this accomplish?
closes #15
Description: Creates tests for endpoint both happy and sad path for graceful failure Creates Medalists Controller within Events to maintain RESTful routing Creates Medalists Serializer to ensure data is formatted correctly Creates route for Medalists endpoint Ensures that the data is presented properly while working off of large data sets All tests passing 100% coverage
What did you struggle on to complete?
I banged my head against the wall about ordering medalists by their medal. I think it might have been a flaw in how I generated the data and was handling it. In the end to protect my sanity I left it be and it will pull data in the order it retrieves it from the database. Not ideal but functional.
Current Test Suite:
Test Coverage Percentage: 100%
Please include an emoji of how you feel about this branch: