VlaamseMilieumaatschappijOSS / BE-GOOD---Graph-Tracing-Engine

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Research standard JSON graph representations #2

Open olivermay opened 4 years ago

olivermay commented 4 years ago

Today the GTE uses lists of edges en vertices in JSON, let's research the possibility to improve this by using some standard graph representation.

erik470 commented 4 years ago

I like the idea. As far as I know, there is no standard defined to represent graphs in JSON. The W3C working group has proposed a JSON format for link-data (W3C_CG_JSON-LD). In this proposal there is a small subset on graphs (W3C_JSON-LD_graphs), but it seems not suitable for this project.

There are different organizations/projects that use their own representation:

Personally the JGF is my favorite. It's not an official standard at this point, but they try to create one. The JGF seems simple and still flexible enough to allow future expansion. I found two organization that use almost the same representation (with some minor changes): NVIDEA, Isaac Sim and a discontinued project of the Kieler Project. Moreover, the representation used here is almost the same as the JGF, with the use of a list of nodes and a list of edges.