VlachosGroup / openmkm

Opensource software to model heterogeneous catalytic reactions. Based on Cantera
MIT License
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Formulas used to calculate kf #28

Open wittregr opened 4 years ago

wittregr commented 4 years ago

What are the formulas used to calculate kf? Please add this information to the documentation for kf.out and include the units kf will have for each formula.

MaxRCohen commented 4 years ago

Hi @mbkumar, looks like we still need this information. Could you please add it where the documentation says "1. Adsorption reaction:" and "2. Surface reaction:"?

skasiraj commented 2 years ago

The formulas used for gas and surface reactions are implemented by Cantera using the Arrhenius and Modified-Arrhenius forms. If this information is consistent with your experience we can update the documentation and close this issue.

MaxRCohen commented 2 years ago

To confirm, is the surface reaction term A equal to (k_BT/h)(1/gamma_tot^(m-1))? k_B is the Boltzman constant, h is Planck's constant, and the other terms are the same as in the adsorption section. For the adsorption section, is the lower case gamma equal to the sticking coefficient? If so, then these formulas are consistent with what I know for Chemkin and should be included in the documentation. However, @wittregr should confirm the coverage dependent formulation for the surface reactions since I less familiar with it.