VlachosGroup / renview

The Reaction Network Viewer (ReNView) generates a graphic representation of the reaction fluxes within the system essential for identifying dominant reaction pathways and mechanism reduction.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Input files from the chemkin/cti files #15

Open Rodhiya opened 2 years ago

Rodhiya commented 2 years ago

Hello there,

This is a very good tool to analyse a reaction path, and it will help me a lot in my research. But I am having few doubts, I was trying to draw the reaction path for the Hydrogen combustion for my mechanism file, can you please tell me how to generate input files for a given mechanism? Also, I want to confirm one thing, this reaction path viewer generates the reaction path for an instant or for a whole reaction duration?

Thanks in advance Akash Rodhiya

uditgupta0912 commented 2 years ago

Hi Akash,

Thank you for your email.

The Github documentation https://github.com/VlachosGroup/ReNView/wiki/Reaction-Network-Viewer-(ReNView)-Usage-Instructions should provide you with the necessary steps for specifying a reaction network. There are a couple of examples in the repository as well to give you an idea of the necessary inputs.

The reaction path is generated for a certain instance of the reactor (time for a batch system, space for PFR). For multiple instances, you would need to create multiple runs for the network.

Let me know if you face any issues. I can help you generate the initial visualization to start with.

Thank You

Kind Regards, Udit

On Fri, Oct 8, 2021 at 8:58 AM Akash Rodhiya @.***> wrote:

Hello there,

I was trying to draw the reaction path for the Hydrogen combustion for my mechanism file, can you please tell me how to generate input files for a given mechanism? Also, I want to confirm one thing, this reaction path viewer generates the reaction path for an instant or for a whole reaction duration?

Thanks in advance Akash Rodhiya

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Rodhiya commented 2 years ago

Hey Udit,

Thank you for your response, can we take an average of different instances in time to get an integrated reaction path from reactants to products for the whole duration. I tried the ammonia test case but that is not running in my system. In the end, I want to generate this integrated reaction path for Cantera homogeneous reactor simulation as shown in https://github.com/Rodhiya/cantera_0D. Can you help me up in setting this up? A short call will be great if that is not much to ask?

Thanks and regards Akash Rodhiya

uditgupta0912 commented 2 years ago

Hi Akash,

We can have a meeting on Friday if that works for you. I am currently in the UK. Let me know what time works for you and I can send you a Teams meeting invite.

Thank You

Kind regards, Udit

On Mon, Oct 11, 2021 at 12:41 PM Akash Rodhiya @.***> wrote:

Hey Udit,

Thank you for your response, can we take average of different instances in time to get integrated reaction path from reactants to products for whole duration. I am trying to generate this integrated reaction path for cantera homogeneous reactor simulation as shown in https://github.com/Rodhiya/cantera_0D. Can you help me up in setting this up? A short call will be great if that is not much to ask?

Thanks and regards Akash Rodhiya

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Rodhiya commented 2 years ago

Hey Udit,

Thank you for your response. Currently, I am in Bangalore, India. I am free on the Friday whole day, we can meet anytime between the morning 09:00 and evening 18:00 IST.

Regards, Akash

uditgupta0912 commented 2 years ago

Hi Akash,

I will schedule something for Friday 10 AM BST (2:30 PM IST). Could you send me your email address?

Thank You

Kind regards, Udit

On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 10:50 PM Akash Rodhiya @.***> wrote:

Hey Udit,

Thank you for your response. Currently, I am in Bangalore, India. I am free on the Friday whole day, we can meet anytime between the morning 09:00 and evening 18:00 IST.

Regards, Akash

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Rodhiya commented 2 years ago

Hello Udit,

That is a good time for the meeting. My email address is akashrodhiya@iisc.ac.in.

Thanks and regards, Akash