Vlad-Shcherbina / icfpc2018-tbd

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Provide a CLI to the WebGL visualizer #13

Closed earthdok closed 6 years ago

earthdok commented 6 years ago

We want to be able to do something like this:

$ solve.py model.mdl > trace.nbt $ draw.py model.mdl trace.nbt --steps-per-frame=1

and have draw.py open the webgl visualizer in the browser and start drawing the solution immediately (no need for the 'execute trace' button).

Alternatively it could be something like:

$ draw.py model.mdl trace.nbt --steps-per-frame=1 > output.html && open output.html

Vlad-Shcherbina commented 6 years ago

You might be interested in visualize_model, visualize_trace (in the dashboard).

earthdok commented 6 years ago
