location. suggests "value", and location.value. suggests cidr_range & description.
Actual Behavior
"No suggestions" popup.
The properties that can be used are known, as anything other than .value.cidr_range or .value.description, it'll be marked in red as an error, and I can navigate to the definition using Control + Click.
Steps to Reproduce
Please list the steps required to reproduce the issue, for example:
Place cursor on cidr_blocks line
Remove cidr_range property, and put cursor at end of location.value.
Installation details
Help->About->Copy to Clipboard
) 0.7.5terraform -v
) 0.12.7IntelliJ Version details
IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2.1 (Ultimate Edition) Build #IU-192.6262.58, built on August 21, 2019 Licensed to Gareth Jones Subscription is active until June 22, 2020 Runtime version: 11.0.2+9-b226.7 amd64 VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o Windows 10 10.0 GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep Memory: 1981M Cores: 8 Registry: analyze.exceptions.on.the.fly=true, java.completion.argument.hints.internal=false, git.use.builtin.ssh=true, debugger.watches.in.variables=false, completion.stats.show.ml.ranking.diff=true Non-Bundled Plugins: CMD Support, Key Promoter X, PsiViewer, Switch Structure, com.alayouni.ansiHighlight, com.intellij.apacheConfig, com.jetbrains.foldOtherMethods, com.jetbrains.plugins.ini4idea, com.intellij.plugins.watcher, lermitage.intellij.battery.status, mobi.hsz.idea.gitignore, net.seesharpsoft.intellij.plugins.csv, net.vektah.codeglance, org.asciidoctor.intellij.asciidoc, org.elixir_lang, org.intellij.plugins.hcl, Karma, com.dmarcotte.handlebars, com.intellij.lang.jsgraphql, com.intellij.plugins.html.instantEditing, com.intellij.plugins.webcomponents, com.jetbrains.lang.ejs, com.jetbrains.plugins.jade, com.jetbrains.php, com.jetbrains.php.blade, com.jetbrains.php.drupal, com.jetbrains.php.wordPress, com.jetbrains.twig, de.espend.idea.laravel, net.king2500.plugins.PhpAdvancedAutoComplete, cucumber-javascript, intellij.prettierJS, org.intellij.scala, org.jetbrains.plugins.go, org.jetbrains.plugins.phpstorm-remote-interpreter, org.jetbrains.plugins.vagrant, org.jetbrains.plugins.vue, Dart, org.jetbrains.plugins.node-remote-interpreter, Pythonid, com.emberjs, com.raket.silverstripe, org.jetbrains.plugins.ruby, jones.foldtestblocks.fold-test-blocks, org.psliwa.idea.composer, org.sylfra.idea.plugins.linessorter, org.toml.lang, org.rust.lang, ru.adelf.idea.dotenv, uk.co.ben-gibson.remote.repository.mapperTerraform Configuration Files
None, nor anything in the logs.
Expected Behavior
suggests "value
", andlocation.value.
.Actual Behavior
"No suggestions" popup.
The properties that can be used are known, as anything other than
, it'll be marked in red as an error, and I can navigate to the definition using Control + Click.Steps to Reproduce
Please list the steps required to reproduce the issue, for example:
property, and put cursor at end oflocation.value.