The index function call is marked in red, with the message "Number expected instead of bool".
I think the issue is with the index function rather than the arguments as if I remove those (e.g. have just index()) the error remains.
Steps to Reproduce
Please list the steps required to reproduce the issue, for example:
Have a .tf file with the contents shown above
Open in IntelliJ
This started happening in the new versions that were released this month - I think starting with 0.7.11, but it could have been introduced in a later version. It was definitely not happening before 0.7.11 :)
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)terraform -v
)IDE version
``` IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2.2 (Ultimate Edition) Build #IU-212.5284.40, built on September 14, 2021 Licensed to Gareth Jones Subscription is active until June 21, 2022. Runtime version: 11.0.12+7-b1504.28 amd64 VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o. Windows 10 10.0 GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep Memory: 2988M Cores: 12 Registry:, Non-Bundled Plugins: Statistic (4.1.7), org.sylfra.idea.plugins.linessorter (1.0.1), org.toml.lang (, com.jetbrains.plugins.ini4idea (212.4746.57), com.alayouni.ansiHighlight (1.2.4), lermitage.intellij.battery.status (1.19.201), CMD Support (1.0.5), net.seesharpsoft.intellij.plugins.csv (2.17.1), com.intellij.ideolog (, name.kropp.intellij.makefile (212.4746.52), com.sburlyaev.terminal.plugin (0.4.4), com.intellij.javafx (1.0.3), Dummy Text Generator (1.2.0), Key Promoter X (2021.2), com.intellij.plugins.watcher (212.5080.8), org.intellij.plugins.hcl (0.7.14), PsiViewer (212-SNAPSHOT), com.intellij.apacheConfig (212.4746.57), (3.3.5), mobi.hsz.idea.gitignore (4.2.0), net.vektah.codeglance (1.5.4), AWSCloudFormation (212.4746.57), org.jetbrains.plugins.go-template (212.4746.52), org.jetbrains.plugins.slim (212.5080.8), org.intellij.plugins.postcss (212.4746.57), com.intellij.kubernetes (212.5284.17), org.elixir_lang (11.13.0), com.perl5 (2021.2), com.intellij.plugin.adernov.powershell (2.0.7), org.jetbrains.plugins.vagrant (212.4746.57), String Manipulation (, mdx.js (1.2.212), jones.restarteslintaction.restart-eslint-action (0.0.1), com.intellij.lang.jsgraphql (3.0.0), com.dmarcotte.handlebars (212.4746.57), com.intellij.plugins.webcomponents (212.4746.57), com.jetbrains.lang.ejs (212.4746.57), org.jetbrains.plugins.node-remote-interpreter (212.5080.8), Dart (212.5284.31), io.flutter (60.1.4), com.intellij.plugins.html.instantEditing (212.4746.57), com.jetbrains.php (212.5284.49), com.jetbrains.twig (212.4746.57), com.kalessil.phpStorm.phpInspectionsEA (, net.king2500.plugins.PhpAdvancedAutoComplete (1.1.0), com.raket.silverstripe (, com.jetbrains.php.blade (212.5080.8), de.espend.idea.laravel (0.15.4), org.jetbrains.plugins.phpstorm-remote-interpreter (212.4746.52), org.jetbrains.plugins.phpstorm-docker (212.4746.52), com.jetbrains.php.wordPress (212.4746.52), com.jetbrains.php.behat (212.4746.52), org.jetbrains.plugins.ruby (212.5284.19), jones.foldcallblocks.fold-call-blocks (0.0.7-beta), org.jetbrains.plugins.ruby-chef (212.5080.8), intellij.prettierJS (212.5080.8), org.jetbrains.plugins.vue (212.5284.22), cucumber-javascript (212.4746.57), com.deadlock.scsyntax (212.4746.57), com.jetbrains.plugins.jade (212.5080.8), org.jetbrains.plugins.go (212.5284.31), Pythonid (212.5284.44), ru.meanmail.plugin.requirements (2021.4.1-212), aws.toolkit (1.32-212), org.jetbrains.kotlin (212-1.5.31-release-546-IJ4638.7), ru.adelf.idea.dotenv (2021.3.0.212), org.jetbrains.plugins.phpstorm-wsl (212.5080.8) Kotlin: 212-1.5.31-release-546-IJ4638.7 ```Terraform Configuration Files
Expected Behavior
No error
Actual Behavior
function call is marked in red, with the message "Number expected instead of bool".I think the issue is with the
function rather than the arguments as if I remove those (e.g. have justindex()
) the error remains.Steps to Reproduce
Please list the steps required to reproduce the issue, for example:
file with the contents shown aboveThis started happening in the new versions that were released this month - I think starting with 0.7.11, but it could have been introduced in a later version. It was definitely not happening before 0.7.11 :)