Vladimir-csp / uwsm

Universal Wayland Session Manager
MIT License
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Set up meson project #17

Closed notpeelz closed 5 months ago

notpeelz commented 5 months ago

This should make it easier to refactor (#16).

You can try it out like this:

meson setup --prefix=/usr/local build
meson install -C build
Vladimir-csp commented 5 months ago

It's funny to think that a bit over a year ago I naively thought this would be a simple shell script...

Thanks! I'll investigate everything.

notpeelz commented 5 months ago

I'll be committing changes as fixup! commits instead of amending my existing commits. This is so that it's easier for you to understand what changes have been made at every step of the review.

Once I get your approval for merging, I'll rebase and squash the fixup! commits to clean up the history. Just make sure not to merge my branch until then, because GitHub doesn't automatically squash these special commits.

notpeelz commented 5 months ago

I removed the vscode-specific pyright/pylance config and replaced it with an editor-neutral pyproject.toml config: https://github.com/microsoft/pyright/blob/main/docs/configuration.md#sample-pyprojecttoml-file

Vladimir-csp commented 5 months ago

Let's go ahead with this. It will warrant bumping version up to 0.14 and a [Breaking] note about everything, including plugin paths.

notpeelz commented 5 months ago


Should I add a new commit to bump the version and write about the breaking changes there? BTW, have you considered using something like conventional commits? The "breaking changes" part is signaled by the exclamation mark, e.g chore!:, fix!:, etc

Vladimir-csp commented 5 months ago

Should I add a new commit to bump the version and write about the breaking changes there?


BTW, have you considered using something like conventional commits?

Good idea!

notpeelz commented 5 months ago

I don't want to push my luck, but would you be open to adopting the semantic versioning version format? It would make sense since you're already using a 3-component version format for non-zero patch releases. e.g 0.14.0 instead of 0.14

Vladimir-csp commented 5 months ago

No problem )

notpeelz commented 5 months ago

I didn't mark the version bump commit as breaking, since it's technically not a breaking change itself. The breaking commits have chore!, fix!, etc. I hope that's OK :)

Vladimir-csp commented 5 months ago


notpeelz commented 5 months ago

Thank you! I appreciated our conversation.