Closed johanwk closed 4 months ago
@johanwk Give me an example, because I think this works now:
(bottom right) refers to a class that's inlined in the instance,
but is also shown as (C)
node (top left)Please take a look at the following example? It uses regular arrows marked with "a" for rdf:type.
@johanwk Got it. Here's the source so I can use it as an example:
lis:Person a owl:Class.
lis:Artefact a owl:Class.
ex:InstrumentationTechnician a owl:Class; rdfs:subClassOf lis:Person.
ex:PressureGaugeAssembly a owl:Class; rdfs:subClassOf lis:Artefact.
ex:P-12345-PA-01 a ex:PressureGaugeAssembly.
ex:John a ex:InstrumentationTechnician.
ex:John ex:makes ex:P-12345-PA-01.
owl:Class puml:stereotype "(C,orange)".
ex:InstrumentationTechnician puml:stereotype "(P,red)".
ex:PressureGaugeAssembly puml:stereotype "(A,green)".
rdf:type puml:arrow puml:up.
rdfs:subClassOf puml:arrow puml:tri-up.
rdf:type, rdfs:subClassOf
. Do we also need a similar option puml:NoInline
show (C)
because it's a class or (P)
because that's the stereotype for its instances? Maybe I can disentangle this...rdfs:subClassOf
wants the -|>
I have an ontology with both classes and individuals. It would be good to not inline some cases of rdf:type, to emphasise how various individuals belong to different parts of the class taxonomy.
Is there a way to request the opposite of
? Preferably, this would be applied only to selected rdf:type triples (the default format with inlining of rdf:type helps a lot to avoid busy diagrams).