VladimirMarkelov / ttdl

TTDL - Terminal Todo List Manager
MIT License
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Postponing tasks doesn't actually postpone the task #62

Closed SuperJappie08 closed 1 year ago

SuperJappie08 commented 1 year ago


I noticed when I tried to postpone a task, that the due date doesn't change in the file. It also only updates the due tag when passing --dry-run.

Example outputs below:

~ > ttdl postpone 34 1d --dry-run
Todos to be postponed:
 # D P Due        Subject
34     2022-10-10 Make Issue about postpone on git due:2022-10-10

New todos:
34     2022-10-11 Make Issue about postpone on git due:2022-10-11
1 todos (of 39 total)

~ > ttdl postpone 34 1d
Changed todos:
 # D P Due        Subject
34     2022-10-11 Make Issue about postpone on git due:2022-10-10
1 todos (of 39 total)

I think the logic for this functionality is there in --dry-run mode, since the due: tag actually gets updated.

EDIT: Platform: Windows 10 Installed via: cargo Version of ttdl: 3.4.4

VladimirMarkelov commented 1 year ago

Fixed in 3.4.5: https://github.com/VladimirMarkelov/ttdl/commit/16b8670d357a89909a147a29cd603fda2928157a#diff-42cb6807ad74b3e201c5a7ca98b911c5fa08380e942be6e4ac5807f8377f87fc

VladimirMarkelov commented 1 year ago

3.4.5 published on crates.io