VladimirP1 / esp-gyrologger

GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Custom filenames for logged data #13

Open surami8 opened 1 year ago

surami8 commented 1 year ago

It would be nice, if we could give custom filenames for the logged datas. The best would be eg. an automatic continous filenaming, where we can type in our camera's video filename format and where the logger should start the numbering.

For example my next file name on my camera would be A001-434 (DNG sequence folder) or a A001-434.mov file, so the logger should start here and save the log files as A001-434.BIN.

This way wo could match the videos with the datas easier and if we need to delete a video from our camera during a day long shooting on site, we would immediately know which one BIN should be deleted also, but the naming continous nevertheless in spite of the situation.

VladimirP1 commented 1 year ago

Not sure if there's a point in adding it into the firmware. You can easily do this with a mass renaming tool like this one https://doublecmd.github.io/doc/en/multirename.html For your example just enter A-001-[C].BIN in the 'File name' box and set the start number accordingly.

I can probably add this feature on client side (because the logs are converted from binary form to gcsv in browser anyway) if it would be useful.

surami8 commented 1 year ago

I think it would be very useful on the client side. In this case we could convert/download all the logs as you wrote and mass rename them during converting/downloading with a custom name. Later at matching the logs with the footages on PC, we could just delete the unnecessary log files, if there were deleted footages on site.

surami8 commented 1 year ago

A popup window saves as onclick function would be also good enough on the client side.

VladimirP1 commented 1 year ago

A question about your workflow - is ~50 minutes of logging enough between log downloads? (This is roughly the time I can store in esp32-c3 internal flash).

VladimirP1 commented 1 year ago

If it is not, either esp32 with 16mb flash can be used ( 4 times larger flash ) like this https://sl.aliexpress.ru/p?key=IDIJt4p

I do not currently support external memory, but might theoretically implement it at some point.

surami8 commented 1 year ago

I think it's enough, but if you can do, then the filenaming should be implemented somehow, it would be very useful.

I also thought about a solution to get more storage. What about to use ESP32's flash for some kind of buffer memory and connect the ESP32 and a Transcend WiFi card together: https://hackaday.com/2016/06/30/transcend-wifi-sd-card-is-a-tiny-linux-server/

surami8 commented 1 year ago

If you implement external SD storage, it's not necessary. It was just a thought.