VladimirVV000 / Domain-Phase-Lab

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Spelling/typo fixes. #1

Open nissa-seru opened 1 month ago

nissa-seru commented 1 month ago

Hello, thanks for the cool mod! I did a quick run-though to fix a few typos that stood out to me, but I'm having trouble submitting the changes as a PR since the repo contains the already-zipped files. See attached; the included git repo has the initial commit as your current release (downloaded ~15 mins ago), with the second commit being my changes - hope it helps! Domain Phase Lab.zip

VladimirVV000 commented 1 month ago

Thank you! I may have to reconstruct the structure of this project after a week or so, so that people who are thankfully willing to help may kindly offer their efforts easier. I appreciate your works, and I'll fix those typos in update 1.4.7. I'll also mention your contributions on the forum!

nissa-seru commented 1 month ago

Hello! Just wanted to share a quick snippet that I added to the game start dialogue for Domain Phase Lab to add faction background and detail on the commissioned crews bonus (since I enjoy seeing that prior to selecting a faction for a playthrough.) Due to the repo structure, sharing the CSV as an attachment in case interested in adding this to a future version of the mod (only additions are lines 2964-2974, at the very end.) rules.csv Screenshot 2024-07-31 040503

VladimirVV000 commented 1 month ago

Ah, that's actually not a typo, it's a part of the lore. The Domain Phase Lab is the old intitute name used back in the domain era, and after the collapse and the formation of a new faction, their new faction name is actually 'the Phase Lab'. Like the XIV Battlegroup is changed into a new faction called 'the Hegemony'.

VladimirVV000 commented 1 month ago

I believe that the typos are mostly in the rules.csv file and descriptions.csv file, right? I downloaded your zip file, and as I'm comparing it with my current files, it's hard for me to recognize what are changed. Would you please inform me about what changes you made? At least the row names of those rows in the csv file? That way it would be easier for me to synchronize everything with the coming update. Thank you!

nissa-seru commented 1 month ago

Sorry for any confusion! Here is the zip and changelog for previous typo fixes as well as some more that I did today. The above addition to the game start dialogue does comprise only an addition to the end of rules.csv (see line references above) - I corrected typos in a few other files as well (see zip/changelog below.)

dpl_phase_lab.zip detailed_changelog.txt

VladimirVV000 commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you! The files you provide are extremely useful, and I was able to make all the typo-fixes in the most recent update 1.5.0. I have mentioned and appreciated you in the mod page on the forum!