VocaDB / vocadb

VocaDB is a Vocaloid Database with translated artists, albums, music videos and more.
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Allow easier, direct access to wiki articles #134

Open riipah opened 8 years ago

riipah commented 8 years ago

We should make it easier to access the wiki articles right where they are needed on site. For example, link to the article about artist roles in the roles edit dialog.

The current help page is difficult to manage. It's written in ASP.NET Razor markup and requires programming.


The most simple way would be just to provide links to wiki articles, opening in a new browser window. Links could be provided under title "Related wiki articles". Better usability could be achieved by retrieving the wiki content server-side and embedding it on the site, or in a JavaScript popup. Parsing the HTML, taking just the content, should be easy.

Linking to articles

The URLs to articles cannot be hardcoded because they can change. We need some kind of mapping. A configuration file similar to nico tag mapping might be enough.


Help page is currently translated in multiple languages. The wiki system does not support translations. How to handle this?

Related: #241

Shiroizu commented 1 month ago

Approach 1: Field-rule mapping

A mapping between edit page fields and rules on the wiki requires two things:

Rare mapping example that currently works well - Song descriptions:

More realistic example with the Romanized title -field:

Field-specific referring issues can be fixed by including unique CSS ids. Rule-specific referring issues can be solved by re-organizing the wiki pages.

Approach 2: Separate rule-page with hardcoded links


Alternative to the field-rule mapping is creating a separate wiki page for hosting condensed versions of all the field-related rules. These are referred with hardcoded links on edit interfaces. For example the song description -field would include a link to https://wiki.vocadb.net/docs/field-rules#song-types, which it would fetch and display when the tooltip is hovered.

Some additional details:


Wiki should include i18n integration instead of having separate translated page versions on the sidebar: https://docs.astro.build/en/recipes/i18n/. It might make sense to host the wiki translation efforts on CrowdIn as well. The main challenge with wiki translations has been the unstable nature of the wiki pages, as the wiki content has evolved a lot the past year.