I would like to see the voicebank children included when calculating the usage of each voicebank in the VocaDB stats page.
Currently, the statistics show ALL voicebanks as seen here:
Another solution would be to make it optional, like making it possible to choose, if I want all voicebank counted together with their children or not.
A more detailed time filter. It only gives the options: Overall, Last day, Last two days etc.. I would like to be able to choose a more specific time. At least months, for example: "December 2020" -> Year and Month
A way to either mark and copy the name or making it possible to click on names to go to the VocaDB pages of that name
-> https://vocadb.net/stats
A more detailed time filter. It only gives the options: Overall, Last day, Last two days etc.. I would like to be able to choose a more specific time. At least months, for example: "December 2020" -> Year and Month
A way to either mark and copy the name or making it possible to click on names to go to the VocaDB pages of that name
Related issue: https://github.com/VocaDB/vocadb/issues/1099