VocaDB / vocadb

VocaDB is a Vocaloid Database with translated artists, albums, music videos and more.
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Add a search field for external link domain (albums/artists + songs?) #710

Open Shiroizu opened 3 years ago

Shiroizu commented 3 years ago

Allow users to search albums/artist (and maybe songs) that share a domain as an external link.

This would allow users to find which albums are available on booth.pm/bandcamp and find which artists are on Spotify for example.

riipah commented 3 years ago

So as a concrete example, you choose a domain "booth.pm" and it lists all albums/artists that have an external link containing "booth.pm", such as "https://xion-music.booth.pm/items/832903"?

Contains search might be slow, but maybe it's ok if this is a rare case.

ycanardeau commented 2 years ago

Contains search might be slow, but maybe it's ok if this is a rare case.

MediaWiki stores external links in reverse order for faster searching. Quote from Manual:externallinks table:

This is the same URL as el_to search-optimized: username and password information is stripped, and the other components are reversed for faster searching, so http://user:password@sub.example.com/page.html becomes http://com.example.sub./page.html, which allows searches of the form 'Show all links pointing to *.example.com'.

l1mey112 commented 2 months ago

Not always will a "contains" be required. My application link crawls (URLs in descriptions) and scrapes (indexes music + art) anything an artist or their works touches, hence I will end up with a lot of external sites where the music or artist is hosted (youtube, niconico, piapro, etc) and it would be nice if I could query VocaDB with just those external sites as just simple string equality. Just expressing my interest with this comment.