Vocamp / Virtual-Hackahon-on-Glacier-topic

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Session Chat Discussion at DCVocamp 2018 #21

Open charlesvardeman opened 5 years ago

charlesvardeman commented 5 years ago

Here are the links from the chat window from 1:00 10/22/18 session of DC Vocamp 2018 https://github.com/Vocamp/VocampDC2018

13:29:03 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : Creating issue to capture additions to ENVO here: https://github.com/EnvironmentOntology/envo/issues/632 13:31:21 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_03000012 13:33:23 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : A material transport process during which a volume of material is displaced due to a disequilirium in physical forces and during which 1) the qualities that inhere in that volume and 2) the processes that are unfolding within it are largely unchanged. 13:34:29 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_01001334 13:42:54 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : ablation zone: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_03000037 13:43:03 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : linked to the various entities and processes 13:43:13 From ruthduerr : https://nsidc.org/data/NSIDC-0326 13:55:20 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : OLS view: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/ontologies/envo/terms/graph?iri=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_01000919 13:55:48 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : you can select the relationships to visualise in the graph view by checking boxes in the right sidebar 13:57:26 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : https://github.com/EnvironmentOntology/envo/issues/632 14:00:16 From ruthduerr : Have to sign off now - talk to you in an hour

charlesvardeman commented 5 years ago

Chat Links from 3:00 10/22/18 session.

15:20:00 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : Modified definition on icefall to:

A portion of a glacier characterized by rapid flow, a chaotic crevassed surface, and a pronounced, at times vertical, slope. 15:21:41 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_00002000 15:22:21 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : the PURL above is for slope 15:22:43 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : it's anchored to 'planetary surface', but that should probably be broadened to any astronomical body 15:23:23 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : I'll broaden it, moons and asteroids have slopes too and we mustn't anger their dark gods 15:23:56 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : it also doesn't have to be the surface, there are subterra slopes 15:23:59 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : updated 15:24:45 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : added exact syns ice-fall and 'ice fall' 15:27:03 From ruthduerr : 0000-0003-4808-4736 is mine 15:27:33 From ruthduerr : In glaciology, ice falls often happen when glaciers flow over a steep drop or squeeze through narrow places. That portion of glacier ice flows faster and becomes heavily crevassed.

Has synonyms ice-fall and icefall. 15:30:02 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : Added this as an rdfs:comment on icefall: Icefalls may be formed as glaciers flow through narrow openings in landmasses. 15:36:04 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : Added Ruth's ORCID to icefall 15:41:03 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_00000487 15:41:09 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : paternoster lake link above 15:47:23 From ruthduerr : A glacier-like landform that often heads in a cirque and consists of a valley-filling accumulation of angular rock blocks. Rock glaciers have little or no visible ice at the surface; include a poorly sorted mess of rocks and fine material; and may include: (1) interstitial ice a meter or so below the surface ('ice-cemented'), (2) a buried core of ice ('ice-cored'), and/or (3) rock debris from avalanching snow and rock. Some rock glaciers move, although very slowly. 15:47:31 From ruthduerr : Rock glaciers are a cryogenic landform, supersaturated with ice that if active, moves down slope by the influence of gravity which produces creep and deformation of the mountain permafrost. Rock glaciers do not form where there is insufficient moisture to form the interstitial ice that permits movement of the mass. Some are believed to have been formed, at least partly, by burial of glacier ice. Active rock glaciers possess steep fronts with slope angles greater than the angle of repose. Rock glaciers are said to be inactive when the main body ceases to move. Most rock glaciers have transverse ridges and furrows on their surface. In general, rock glaciers present a lobate shape with surficial morphology similar to a lava flow. However, especially in the central Andes, the morphologies can be considerably complex with multiple basins contributing material and the superposition of two or more lobes. 15:50:52 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_01000275 16:00:19 From ruthduerr : One of the earth's spheres of irregular form existing in the zone of interaction of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere, distinguished by negative or zero temperature and the presence of water in the solid or super-cooled state; the term refers collectively to the portions of the earth where water is in solid form, including snow cover, floating ice, glaciers, ice caps, ice sheets, seasonally frozen ground and perennially frozen ground (permafrost). 16:00:45 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : https://github.com/EnvironmentOntology/envo/issues/632

charlesvardeman commented 5 years ago

Chat Links from 10/23/18 Afternoon (1:00 est) session.

13:52:10 From Torsten Hahmann : processes: 13:52:48 From Torsten Hahmann : ablation: includes evaporation, sublemation, melting, avalanching, wind-erosion 13:53:19 From Torsten Hahmann : (continued): calfing, internal/basal/frontal/surface 13:54:29 From Torsten Hahmann : not flow related?: abrasion 13:54:52 From Torsten Hahmann : abrasion: loss of mass of the glacier's support/container 13:56:10 From Torsten Hahmann : accumulation: precipitation, fernification, wind transport onto a glacier, avalanches onto the glacier, special kinds of accumulation of precipation (by type of precipation) 13:56:56 From Torsten Hahmann : basal acculumation (beneath ice: supported by water) 13:57:27 From Torsten Hahmann : accumulation by vapor condensation 13:58:14 From Torsten Hahmann : elementation (another word for deposition of snow) 13:58:57 From Torsten Hahmann : other processes: basal sliding (movement) 14:03:37 From Torsten Hahmann : disarticulation (large chunks of ice breaks off above water) 14:04:42 From Torsten Hahmann : disarticulation creates icebergs 14:06:05 From Torsten Hahmann : erosion (on the glacier: wind erosion, erosion by runoff, underneath the glacier: abrasion) 14:06:45 From Torsten Hahmann : fernification is a transformation between states (one type to another) 14:07:28 From Torsten Hahmann : foliation (forming bands of different layers of ice as result of fernification) 14:08:54 From Torsten Hahmann : [both compound processes and compound objects are possible] 14:09:44 From Torsten Hahmann : other processes: glacial wind 14:17:52 From Torsten Hahmann : flow-related parameters: calving parameters; flow/changes in the glacier: advance/retreat 14:18:15 From Torsten Hahmann : calving velocity (not parameters) 14:21:32 From Torsten Hahmann : base flow, discharge of water into a stream channel, coalescing glaciers (two glaciers flow in parallel), compression flow; dead ice (ice that is not flowing), 14:24:16 From Torsten Hahmann : ice discharge vs. water discharge (e.g. basal flow) 14:24:23 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : glacial plucking: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_01000683 14:24:42 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : glacial abrasion: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_01000682 14:29:02 From Torsten Hahmann : downwasting, dynamic thinning 14:31:57 From Torsten Hahmann : those are characteristics caused by ablation 14:32:06 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : For fun: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-45953252 14:38:54 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : Related to firnification and http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_03000055 14:46:30 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : Brinicle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAupJzH31tc 15:18:47 From Pier Luigi Buttigieg : ENVO: sublimation http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_01000920