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unpack: Transportation #7

Open brandonnodnarb opened 6 years ago

brandonnodnarb commented 6 years ago

There was a previous GeoVoCamp which addressed transport. I'll track down the notes and add the links here.

Also, the AGI glossary has several relevant terms associated with transport. More than one version of Transport, Mass Transport and volume transport may be applicable.

pbuttigieg commented 6 years ago

Here's ENVO's take on it: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_03000010

Garybc commented 6 years ago

"Abstracting Transport to an Ontology Design Pattern for the Geosciences" Brandon Whitehead , Benjamin Adams, Mark Schildhauer, Charles Vardeman , Werner Kuhn, Adam Shepard , and Krishna Sinha

The Semantic Transport pattern consists of three core concepts: Event, Entity, and Mechanism (see Manchester OWL syntax following this paragraph).

The TransportEvent acts as the top level concept for the pattern. A TransportEvent describes a specific transport phenomenon, as movement of some mass or energy (measurable entity) from one location to another, based on a common and persistent frame of reference. Induction of the mass or energy movement can arise from the transported entity itself, or from external sources. The TransportEvent thus has two main parts, TransportEntity and TransportMechanism. The TransportEntity concept represents the identity of the circumscribed portion of energy or mass that is moved. The TransportMechanism concept captures the nature of the source that acts upon the TransportEntity, and thus induces a TransportEvent.

Class: TransportEvent TransportEvent SubClassOf owl:Thing TransportEntity SubClassOf partOf some TransportEvent http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= TransportMechanim SubClassOf partOf some TransportEvent Class: TransportMechanim TransportMechanim SubClassOf owl:Thing TransportMechanim SubClassOf partOf some TransportEvent Class: TransportEntity TransportEntity SubClassOf owl:Thing TransportEntity SubClassOf partOf some TransportEvent

The TransportEvent has one top level property, the referenceFrame (see Manchester OWL syntax following this paragraph). The referenceFrame provides context to the pattern by specifying spatial and temporal qualities of any associated observations via the specification of time and location information associated with the TransportEvent. As time and location can be fixed or relative, abstracting the property types serves to facilitate semantic interoperability between disparate data entities.

ObjectProperty: referenceFrame referenceFrame Domain TransportEvent referenceFrame Range TransportEvent

Garybc commented 6 years ago

I note that Envo has "ice loss process subClassOf : has part some ( material transport process or material transformation process) but not much detail beyond this. If we take this as an example from Atmosphere we get inputs and outputs of some type. : material transport process and ( has input some ( gaseous environmental material and ( part of some planetary atmosphere))) and ( has output some ( gaseous environmental material and ( located in some outer space)))