Vogete / TiffOne

A browser extension to view TIFF files directly in your browser.
Apache License 2.0
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Migrate to Chrome Manifest V3 #13

Open Vogete opened 2 years ago

Vogete commented 2 years ago

Chrome Manifest V3 is coming, and in 2023 this extension won't work anymore. However, moving to manifest V3 right now is not possible to my knowledge, because the AJAX calls now has to use fetch() which does not support file:// URLs yet.

Ref: https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/chromium-extensions/c/U6TpTj6C7ac

XHR doc: https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/mv3/xhr/

Vogete commented 1 year ago

Update: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66245298/chrome-extension-how-to-access-local-file-with-manifest-v3

Chrome 99 and above can now use fetch() for local files. It should now be possible to migrate to manifest v3.

GDuquette commented 1 year ago

Will you be upgrading this extension to Manifest V3?

Vogete commented 1 year ago

Will you be upgrading this extension to Manifest V3?

That depends on a few things. This extension was developed to solve an internal problem at my job. Since I left, i can't test the extension anymore properly, and I'm hesitant to migrate to V3 in case i break their workflow. However if they reach out and want to collaborate to make sure it will work with manifest V3, then i will put in some effort to make sure it will work correctly, and manifest v3 won't break everything.

Google also backtracked a little bit on manifest v3, so I don't know what their plan is now.

I also have limited time, so i can't promise to update it, but I might get around doing it at some point.