VojislavM / nordic-nrf-ubuntu-dev-env

This repo is represents user guide and starting point in nRF development on the Linux Ubuntu machine.
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setup2: nrf5 sdk #2

Open VojislavM opened 4 years ago

VojislavM commented 4 years ago

download nrf 15.3.0 nRF5 SDK form link: https://www.nordicsemi.com/Software-and-tools/Software/nRF5-SDK

unpack it in the preferred location

Edit the file named /components/toolchain/gcc/Makefile.posix and change the GNU_INSTALL_ROOT to point to the location of your GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain installation:

GNU_INSTALL_ROOT ?= /home/voja/Documents/gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2018-q2-update/bin/
GNU_VERSION ?= 7.3.1
GNU_PREFIX ?= arm-none-eabi