VolantMQ / volantmq

High-Performance MQTT Server
Apache License 2.0
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Benchmarks #97

Open troian opened 6 years ago

troian commented 6 years ago


X-Ryl669 commented 4 years ago

Here are some I've just done in the previous days: The benchmark tools run use this command line:

$ ./emqtt_bench pub -h -p 1883 -V 5 -c 300 -I 3 -u username -P password -t /testme -s 512
$ ./mqtt-bench  -action=p -broker="tcp://localhost:1883" -broker-password="password" -broker-username="username" -clients=300 -size=512 -count=1000

Note: Removing docker-proxy

Docker userland proxy as it's consuming most of the CPU in such benchmarks In /etc/docker/daemon.json:

    "userland-proxy": false

Without this, docker is using the kernel's netif to bridge the packets in kernel space instead of user space. Don't forget to restart docker: systemctl restart docker A solution without Docker would probably give even higher results.

Result of benchmarks:

The machine is a 8 core Intel Xeon W3530 with 16GB of RAM. All the tests are not using TLS and runs locally on the server (no network interface limitation here) Benchmark MQTT version Comment Result
VolantMQ (running in Docker, since that's the only way to get it)
mqtt-bench v3.1.1 publish size 512bytes/msg 18k msg/s
mqtt-bench v3.1.1 publish size 256bytes/msg 20k msg/s
emqtt-bench v5 publish size 512bytes/msg 110k msg/s
emqtt-bench v5 publish size 256bytes/msg 90k msg/s
CPU usage: 150% (bench tool: 650%)
Memory: 0.9% (bench tool: 0.6%)
VerneMQ default configuration with file based authentication
mqtt-bench v3.1.1 publish size 512bytes/msg 18k msg/s
mqtt-bench v3.1.1 publish size 256bytes/msg 20k msg/s
emqtt-bench v5 publish size 512bytes/msg 85k msg/s
emqtt-bench v5 publish size 256bytes/msg 114k msg/s
CPU usage: 200% (bench tool: 600%)
Memory: 0.9% (bench tool: 1%)
mqtt-bench v3.1.1 publish size 512bytes/msg 25k msg/s
mqtt-bench v3.1.1 publish size 256bytes/msg 22k msg/s
emqtt-bench v5 publish size 512bytes/msg 100k msg/s
emqtt-bench v5 publish size 256bytes/msg 100k msg/s
CPU usage: 100% (bench tool: 700%)
Memory: 0% (bench tool: 0.5%)
troian commented 4 years ago

@X-Ryl669 Appreciate your efforts of getting into this. Would you mind do some profiling as well to help understand bottlenecks?

X-Ryl669 commented 4 years ago

If you tell me how, I can do that for sure...

troian commented 4 years ago

I would start with pprof. VolantMQ docker image contains debug plugin which exposes pprof over http so you could catch cpu profile and see who is taking longest