Closed github-actions[bot] closed 2 years ago
Paint tab headers
class TabsControl extends GuiControlBase { ctlHwnd := 0 tabs := [] static TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED := 0x2000 CreateControl(tabs) { super.CreateControl(false) this.tabs := tabs defaults := [] defaults.Push("w" . this.guiObj.windowSettings["contentWidth"]) defaults.Push("C" . this.guiObj.themeObj.GetColor("text")) defaults.Push("Background" . this.guiObj.themeObj.GetColor("background")) defaults.Push("+0x100") defaults.Push("+" . TabsControl.TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED) defaults.Push("x" . this.guiObj.margin) defaults.Push("y+" . this.guiObj.margin) opts := this.SetDefaultOptions(this.options, defaults) this.ctl := this.guiObj.guiObj.Add("Tab3", this.GetOptionsString(opts), this.tabs) this.ctlHwnd := this.ctl.Hwnd this.SubclassControl(this.ctl.Hwnd, ObjBindMethod(this, "OnTabsSubclass")) return this.ctl } OnTabsSubclass(h, m, w, l, idSubclass, refData) { static TCM_ADJUSTRECT := 0x1328 static WM_DESTROY := 0x02 static WM_PAINT := 0xF Critical static OMsg := A_PtrSize if (this.ctlHwnd == h && m == WM_PAINT) { ; TODO: Paint tab headers } else if (m == WM_DESTROY) { this.SubclassControl(h, "") } ; All messages not completely handled by the function must be passed to the DefSubclassProc: return DllCall("DefSubclassProc", "Ptr", h, "UInt", m, "Ptr", w, "Ptr", l, "Ptr") } OnTabsDraw(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd) { static ODS_SELECTED := 0x0001 static ODS_FOCUS := 0x0010 static DT_LEFT := 0 static DT_END_ELLIPSIS := 0x00008000 static DT_VCENTER := 0x00000004 static ODA_DRAWENTIRE := 1 static ODA_FOCUS := 4 static ODA_SELECT := 2 static ODT_TAB := 101 static OCtlType := 0 static OCtlId := A_PtrSize static OItemId := A_PtrSize*2 static OItemAction := A_PtrSize*3 static OHDC := A_PtrSize*4 static ORect := A_PtrSize*5 ctlType := NumGet(lParam + 0, OCtlType, "UInt") if (ctlType == ODT_TAB && hwnd == this.guiObj.guiObj.Hwnd) { tabIndex := NumGet(lParam + 0, OCtlId, "UInt") isSelected := NumGet(lParam + 0, OItemId, "UInt") tabIndex := NumGet(lParam + 0, OCtlId, "UInt") tabName := this.tabNames[tabIndex + 1] textColor := this.guiObj.themeObj.RGB2BGR("0x" . this.guiObj.themeObj.GetColor(isSelected ? "textInactive" : "text")) bgColor := this.guiObj.themeObj.RGB2BGR("0x" . this.guiObj.themeObj.GetColor("background")) hdc := NumGet(lParam + 0, OHDC, "Ptr") bgRect := BufferAlloc(16, 0) DllCall("CopyRect", "Ptr", bgRect, "Ptr", lParam + ORect) rectL := NumGet(bgRect.Ptr, 0, "Int") rectT := NumGet(bgRect.Ptr, 4, "Int") rectR := NumGet(bgRect.Ptr, 8, "Int") rectB := NumGet(bgRect.Ptr, 12, "Int") DllCall("InflateRect", "Ptr", bgRect, "Int", 3, "Int", 3) rectL := NumGet(bgRect.Ptr, 0, "Int") rectT := NumGet(bgRect.Ptr, 4, "Int") rectR := NumGet(bgRect.Ptr, 8, "Int") rectB := NumGet(bgRect.Ptr, 12, "Int") brush := DllCall("CreateSolidBrush", "UInt", textColor, "Ptr") DllCall("FillRect", "Ptr", hdc, "Ptr", bgRect, "Ptr", brush) DllCall("InflateRect", "Ptr", lParam + ORect, "Int", -3, "Int", 0) DllCall("Gdi32.dll\SetBkMode", "Ptr", hdc, "UInt", 0) DllCall("Gdi32.dll\SetTextColor", "Ptr", hdc, "UInt", textColor) DllCall("DrawText", "Ptr", hdc, "Str", tabName, "Int", StrLen(tabName), "Ptr", lParam + ORect, "UInt", DT_LEFT | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_VCENTER ) return true } } OnTabsAdjustRect(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd) { } OnSize(guiObj, minMax, width, height) { super.OnSize(guiObj, minMax, width, height) if (minMax == -1) { return } this.guiObj.AutoXYWH("wh", [this.ctl.Name]) this.ResizeColumns() } }
Paint tab headers