VolgaIgor / editorjs-gallery

Gallery block for Editor.js with multi-loading and sorting
MIT License
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Usability suggestions #2

Open adampatterson opened 7 months ago

adampatterson commented 7 months ago

I'm very slow and implementing Editor JS πŸ˜‚

1) your plugin is really the only one that supports multiple images properly 2) I love the fact that you have a Gallery and Carousel

The only thing I am trying to make better or would love to see is a clear indication of what each block is while editing content.

If you add the block as a slider, you don't know it's a slider. If you change it to Fit, you don't know it's a gallery.

I have customized the languages of the caption and button text, which does work really well, except now I have 2 blocks that have the ability to become a Slider or a Gallery so the context is wrong.

gallery: {
    class: ImageGallery,
    config: {
        captionPlaceholder: 'Gallery Caption',
        buttonContent: 'Add an image to the Gallery',
carousel: {
    class: ImageGallery,
    config: {
        captionPlaceholder: 'Carousel Caption',
        buttonContent: 'Add an image to the Carousel',

It might be a lot more straightforward if the Tune name was displayed above the block like this.


Lastly, if it would be possible to add Internationalization support for the Tune names that should complete my wish list πŸ˜‚

I'm using Editor.JS and your plugin inside of a kind of blog editor that will have a Media focus.

As a note I have forked the repo and tried to make the modification but working with the package locally and trying to build the app has been tricky. I had it working at one point and I think updated Node and that broke the link and my project that uses Vite / Rollup seems to have issues with packages that are symlink folders.

Any tips for working on the package locally? There's a possibility I can make these changes and submit a pull request if you like.

VolgaIgor commented 7 months ago

Hello! Thank you for your useful comments and suggestions!

I think I can add internationalization in the nearest future. In addition, I think it’s worth adding the option to disable tunes for a two block use case.

But need to think about find a better place to add the signature of the current tune)

adampatterson commented 7 months ago

Thanks so much πŸ˜„

adampatterson commented 5 months ago

Hey @VolgaIgor

I attempted to make this change myself but for the life of me can't figure out how to get the tune value passed into the UI.

I added a UI element that's essentially a heading that I had planned to display the tune value.

Maybe I'm doing it wrong, It might be possible to do it with CSS if the tune can update a class name or something on the block wrapper.

I'm terrible with javascript though.

VolgaIgor commented 2 weeks ago

Hello! Sorry it's been so long, I've only just got time now.

adampatterson commented 1 week ago

Thanks so much, when I get a chance I'll pull the latest version and update my app!