VoliJS / NestedReact

BackboneJS compatibility layer for React-MVx MVVM framework.
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Backbone Router or React Router? #1

Closed KamuelaFranco closed 8 years ago

KamuelaFranco commented 8 years ago

If starting from scratch and hoping just to use React for views, do you recommend using Backbone's router as well?

gaperton commented 8 years ago

Yes, why not. It's not the most important part of an application architecture, nor hard to replace in future, thus is's generally doesn't matter too much which one will you use.

And there's nothing wrong with backbone's router, all of routers are more or less the same with rather cosmetic differences. So, don't increase entropy, use the common and simplest one. If you will feel you need something different later, it can be replaced with almost no cost.

gaperton commented 8 years ago

Just looked at react-router a bit deeper. Last time when I looked at it, I missed some important details. In fact, taken in conjunction with React, it's the replacement not just for Backbone.Router, but for large and messy frameworks like Chaplin.

It's far superior to Backbone.Router, can not even be compared. Should be preferred with no doubts. https://github.com/rackt/react-router

KamuelaFranco commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the follow-up!