VoliJS / NestedReact

BackboneJS compatibility layer for React-MVx MVVM framework.
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Question about state and adding elements to the collection #19

Open richard-engineering opened 7 years ago

richard-engineering commented 7 years ago

I have this bit of code based on what I can tell from the TODOMVC is the right way to define state

export default class Entry extends Model {
  default = {
    name: 'test_name'
export default class Home extends Component {

  constructor(props) {  // componentWillMount

  state = {
    entries: Entry.Collection,

In the console when debugging (eg in render or in constructor) I notice this.state.entries.add does not exist. this.state.entries.create().add is defined. What would be the proper way to add something to the entries collection? Should I declare

state = {
  entries: Entry.Collection.create()


richard-engineering commented 7 years ago

Also, adding on top of your answer in https://github.com/Volicon/NestedLink/issues/12, state.getLink is undefined for me. I assume I need to import valuelink and use valuelink like normal instead? The documentation on this page seems to imply that I get it for free from nestedtypes.

render() {
  const { state } = this;
  const entriesLink = state.getLink( 'entries' );
  return (
      entriesLink.map((entryLink, key) => <li key={key}>{entryLink.value.name}</li>)

Edit: The following is defined, but it doesn't return anything even though I added an entry to the collection? I think the documentation on the front page needs to be updated.

richard-engineering commented 7 years ago

I also tried not using classes with React.createClass and Model.extend per the examples and I get Uncaught TypeError: this.defaults is not a function in the console. I am compiling to electron via webpack, maybe something is weird with my setup.

'use strict';

import React from 'nestedreact';
import { Entry } from '../models/Entry.js';

export const Home = React.createClass({

  state: {
    entries: Entry.Collection

  render() {
    return (
          <h2>HOME TEST</h2>
'use strict';

import React from 'nestedreact';
import { Model } from 'nestedtypes';

export const Entry = Model.extend({

  defaults: {
    name: "default_name"
gaperton commented 7 years ago

You forgot @define decorator. Must be imported either from nestedreact or nestedtypes. Must precede the class definition of the Component and the Model.

@define is the place where all the magic happens, it performs meta-transformations crucial for the things to work. If you can't or don't want to use decorators, just call YouClass.define() right after the definition. That's what this decorator does.

gaperton commented 7 years ago

.createClass and .extend work without @define, of course. I will check your example locally.

gaperton commented 7 years ago

Your last example works perfectly in Chrome. Try to take any of the examples from examples folder (except flux_comparison) as starting boilerplate for your test.

richard-engineering commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the replies, I didn't even know that decorators existed in javascript, hahah. I will try this when I have the time and let you know, we are quite busy at work right now