Voljega / ExoDOSConverter

a custom game converter from the ExoDOS collection to emulation station based distribution format
151 stars 12 forks source link

ExoDOS 6 - Additional errors outside Wiki fixes. #127

Open heymufti opened 5 months ago

heymufti commented 5 months ago

Could we get fixes for these errors added to the wiki located here: https://github.com/Voljega/ExoDOSConverter/wiki/Known-issues:-eXoDOS-v6

These are remaining AFTER implementing all fixes in the wiki above. My export location is "D:\INC\Exo6Mister\". Most of these look like path issues. For example with 'comconra':

The CD files are present after extraction in "D:\INC\Exo6Mister\ao486\cd\comconra\". I do not know where it's pulling the reference to "...\eXoDOS\comconra\cd".

Found error when processing comconra :
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "exoconverter.py", line 69, in convertGames
  File "exoconverter.py", line 118, in __convertGame__
  File "gamegenerator.py", line 70, in convertGame
  File "gamegenerator.py", line 141, in __postConversion__
  File "gamegenerator.py", line 256, in __postConversionForMister__
  File "mister.py", line 58, in batsAndMounts
  File "mister.py", line 95, in handleRunBat
  File "mister.py", line 125, in convertImgMount
  File "mister.py", line 154, in handlesFileType
  File "mister.py", line 206, in convertCD
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] The system cannot find the path specified: 'D:\\INC\\Exo6Mister\\.\\eXoDOS\\comconra\\cd'

Found error when processing Enterp89 :
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "exoconverter.py", line 69, in convertGames
  File "exoconverter.py", line 118, in __convertGame__
  File "gamegenerator.py", line 70, in convertGame
  File "gamegenerator.py", line 141, in __postConversion__
  File "gamegenerator.py", line 256, in __postConversionForMister__
  File "mister.py", line 50, in batsAndMounts
  File "mister.py", line 135, in convertBoot
  File "mister.py", line 168, in handlesFileType
  File "mister.py", line 244, in convertFloppy
  File "shutil.py", line 786, in move
shutil.Error: Destination path 'D:\INC\Exo6Mister\floppy\Enterp89\ENTERPRI.IMG' already exists

Found error when processing SootySwe :
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "shutil.py", line 788, in move
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified: 'D:\\INC\\Exo6Mister\\-l' -> 'D:\\INC\\Exo6Mister\\floppy\\SootySwe\\-l'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "exoconverter.py", line 69, in convertGames
  File "exoconverter.py", line 118, in __convertGame__
  File "gamegenerator.py", line 70, in convertGame
  File "gamegenerator.py", line 141, in __postConversion__
  File "gamegenerator.py", line 256, in __postConversionForMister__
  File "mister.py", line 50, in batsAndMounts
  File "mister.py", line 135, in convertBoot
  File "mister.py", line 168, in handlesFileType
  File "mister.py", line 244, in convertFloppy
  File "shutil.py", line 802, in move
  File "shutil.py", line 432, in copy2
  File "shutil.py", line 261, in copyfile
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'D:\\INC\\Exo6Mister\\-l'

Found error when processing vengexca :
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "exoconverter.py", line 69, in convertGames
  File "exoconverter.py", line 118, in __convertGame__
  File "gamegenerator.py", line 70, in convertGame
  File "gamegenerator.py", line 141, in __postConversion__
  File "gamegenerator.py", line 260, in __postConversionForMister__
  File "mister.py", line 26, in removeUnusedCds
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] The system cannot find the path specified: 'D:\\INC\\Exo6Mister\\vengexca.pc\\..\\spirexc\\CD'

Found error when processing whalvoy2 :
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "exoconverter.py", line 69, in convertGames
  File "exoconverter.py", line 118, in __convertGame__
  File "gamegenerator.py", line 70, in convertGame
  File "gamegenerator.py", line 141, in __postConversion__
  File "gamegenerator.py", line 260, in __postConversionForMister__
  File "mister.py", line 26, in removeUnusedCds
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] The system cannot find the path specified: 'D:\\INC\\Exo6Mister\\whalvoy2.pc\\..\\whalvoy1\\cd'

Found error when processing wwcscd :
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "exoconverter.py", line 69, in convertGames
  File "exoconverter.py", line 117, in __convertGame__
  File "exoconverter.py", line 163, in __copyGameDataToOutputDir__
  File "util.py", line 196, in downloadTorrent
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'gameInfo' referenced before assignment

Found error when processing WC2DLX :
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "exoconverter.py", line 69, in convertGames
  File "exoconverter.py", line 118, in __convertGame__
  File "gamegenerator.py", line 70, in convertGame
  File "gamegenerator.py", line 141, in __postConversion__
  File "gamegenerator.py", line 260, in __postConversionForMister__
  File "mister.py", line 26, in removeUnusedCds
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] The system cannot find the path specified: 'D:\\INC\\Exo6Mister\\WC2DLX.pc\\..\\WC\\cd'