Voljega / ExoDOSConverter

a custom game converter from the ExoDOS collection to emulation station based distribution format
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Emuelec dosbox issue #94

Open wookieferret opened 2 years ago

wookieferret commented 2 years ago

the script /emuelec/scripts/emuelecRunEmu.sh must be modified to read the exported configuration files (need to comment/uncomment the relevant RUNTHIS commands). This is probably not the task of ExoDOSConverter, but the user should be instructed about this change more clearly.

Hi I'm new to using the converter, I'm just wondering what needs to be modified in the above mentioned .sh file, I've tried my best to work it out and researched as much as I can do. Would you be able to give a newbie guide

Cheers and great work

Voljega commented 2 years ago

Hello @wookieferret,

Unfortunately I'm not an emuelec user and don't know much about it, certainly no more than what I read in their official documentation.

@joao-pedro-barbosa made a PR on emuelec integration a little while ago though, so maybe he'd be able to help you ?