VolkovLabs / business-text

The Business Text panel plugin allows you to construct a text visualization template from the values of a dataset returned by a data source query.
Apache License 2.0
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Question - Possibility of data entry (Bussines Text ) #325

Closed yharonjm closed 5 months ago

yharonjm commented 5 months ago

Is it possible to generate events on a map in Leafleat.js and enter them directly into a table in a database registered in Grafana correctly structured using Bussines Text - Javascript? Thank you for your time!

mikhail-vl commented 5 months ago

@yharonjm To insert data into database I would recommend to look at the Business Forms (Data Manipulation) panel https://github.com/volkovlabs/volkovlabs-form-panel

Business Text panel can be used to display Leaflet map and generate events using EventBus to send it to the Forms to insert data using EventBus: https://volkovlabs.io/plugins/volkovlabs-dynamictext-panel/eventbus/

You can do POST request from Business Text, but Business Forms has native data source support to insert and update data.