Implement use-case: Add new house.
[omit authorization]
Add required methods to the House controller, implement domain logic:
1) Return partial view pf the form
2) Handle form inputs and submission
3) Validate data (client or backend)
4) Add new house to database
Acceptance criteria:
User should be able to open modal form, enter new data, receive validation errors, submit the form.
System should add new row to the houses table in the database.
Implement use-case: Add new house. [omit authorization]
Add required methods to the House controller, implement domain logic:
1) Return partial view pf the form 2) Handle form inputs and submission 3) Validate data (client or backend) 4) Add new house to database
Acceptance criteria: User should be able to open modal form, enter new data, receive validation errors, submit the form. System should add new row to the houses table in the database.