VolosR / TTGOWeatherStation

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Trouble with ani.h file #6

Closed Olive80 closed 1 year ago

Olive80 commented 3 years ago

Hi VolosR, thanks to share your project I have a trouble with animation but i don't know where it come from, can u help me please ?... Oliver Capture

echelon75 commented 3 years ago

Hi, Same problem on my PC Don't use ani.h in zip file and simply copy/paste any.h on github webpage: https://github.com/VolosR/TTGOWeatherStation/blob/main/ani.h

See also this video : https://www.bing.com/videos/search?view=detail&mid=3EAD5B081E76A47527D63EAD5B081E76A47527D6&q=error%3A+stray+%27%5C357%27+in+program&shtp=GetUrl&shid=91861e74-b2ff-40ed-a50e-4fc089f1a042&shtk=SE9XIFRPIEZJWCBTVFJBWSBFUlJPUlMgMjczLDI3NywzMDIgJiAzNTcgSU4gQVJEVUlOTw%3D%3D&shdk=Ik5PIE1PUkUsIFN0cmF5IEVycm9ycyI%3D&shhk=e%2FkRRK061eRGtE9KihdDtxfL6uE3mgWrSqi0o%2FXWZ9I%3D&form=VDSHOT&shth=OSH.6UKA14KxeQBrobQ9I57Rng



Olive80 commented 3 years ago

hi @echelon75 thanks for the information... I deleted the 1st row and it worked for me

nikthefix commented 2 years ago

Just delete the first 'int' and retype.. It seems that some non-ascii characters have crept in as is reflected by the arduino ide as it should highlight the 'int' in blue as a defined keyword.

PGNetHun commented 2 years ago

Hi! The problem is, that ani.h is an UTF-8 text file with BOM characters, Notepad++ tells it exactly. (first 3 bytes in file are the BOM bytes) You can convert to simple UTF-8 text file withouth BOM with even with Notepad++ image

soharddbwarez commented 1 year ago

My God am I happy that I look at the closed issues and read the answers, thanks to @PGNetHun I finally found what the issue was with the ani.h file and the Arduino IDE not wanting to compile because of an error that didn't seem to exist but after I opened the file with Notepad++ and converting it to a UTF-8 file without the BOM the issue went away.

Thank you so much for sharing this because without this piece of information I couldn't figure it out myself.