VolosR / watchESP

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Need some code definitions. #1

Open griffinmt opened 1 year ago

griffinmt commented 1 year ago

I am trying to run your watchesp code on my esp32 and gc9a01, although I will use it as a desktop clock. The esp I am using is the Lolin D32 Pro V2 with a builtin tft connector. I have changed the TFT_eSPI setup (200) to match my tft pin connections, but there are numerous other pin assignments in the code which are not explained. In addition, I will add a BH1750 so I can adjust the screen brightness to match the ambient light and a battery voltage splitter so I can monitor the remaining Lithium Ion capacity. Can you help me out with this? And what is the purpose of these uncommented lines? pinMode(2,OUTPUT); pinMode(0,INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(35,INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(13,INPUT_PULLUP); digitalWrite(2,0); None of those pins are attached to anything.


abhilashdeshmukh commented 1 year ago

My guess is that, he has used those pins before in some other sketch and just forgot to delete here. I removed it and it still worked.