The Database for Air Quality and Noise Analysis (DANA) Tool provides traffic-related inputs to the Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) vehicle emissions model and the Traffic Noise Model (TNM).
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Add adjustment of AADT as a column to DANA tool output to capture monthly changes in total traffic volume #46

Closed wchupp closed 1 year ago

wchupp commented 1 year ago

We want a column to be added that captures how much the daily traffic is above the average day or weekday for that month, according to the TMAS data. Add this as a value to the Tier matching process so that we match this information in the same way we match the tiers.

wchupp commented 1 year ago

Calculated by taking the average traffic volume measured by TMAS data per station across the original tier definitions. Process 1 calculates the volume factor only if there is at least 3 months of data for a TMAS counting station. Otherwise, the next tier higher will be used for that NPMRDS link.

This feature also added a separate tier matching step, completely separated from the fleet distribution tier matching steps. There are new intermediate output files output by the process which describe the average volumes and the volume factors.

wchupp commented 1 year ago

Next step, ensure TNMAID.py works with new output data design, and decide whether to update spreadsheet or not.

wchupp commented 1 year ago

Confirmed outputs work with MOVES and monthly total VMT results match manual calculations.

wchupp commented 1 year ago

This has been completed, MAADT column and Volume Modifier column added.