Voltaic314 / Study_Fam_Discord_Bot

This is just a repository for a discord bot made for our study fam discord server. It has multiple different commands for various purposes.
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add built in breaks to focus mode #9

Open Voltaic314 opened 7 months ago

Voltaic314 commented 7 months ago

Focus mode should have the option to do a pomodoro style focus, where users can pre-program in specific breaks that they want to be pulled out of focus for temporarily. Maybe 25 minutes of focus, 5 minute break, repeat 4 times, or something like that. Alternatively, users should have the option to specify how many breaks they want and how long they want their breaks for. Especially for longer term focus mode usages, like multiple days at a time.

One idea I had was maybe allowing users to specify set schedules for study times, so say like "I want to be in focus mode (studying) from 9 am to 5 pm on monday through friday. Then a break from 1:00 to 1:30 pm." and then it would do that. (Not exactly writing it in plain english like that but using a command with those parameters. I just don't know how to implement this in any user friendly way because I'd have to do a lot more work when it comes to the front end, figuring out how to embed some kind of daily hour calendar to let people click buttons to select their focus times, and then on the backend I'm not sure how to deal with that either. Not sure how I could set up a db table to support something like that. So this one is very open ended and somewhat complex with so many moving parts.

Need to think about this for a while before I can efficiently implement something like this.