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EPIC: Arbitrum Grant Proposal: Uniswap V3 TWAP Bot for Arbitrum. #1182

Closed taariq closed 5 months ago

taariq commented 5 months ago

Create an EPIC for the Uniswap V3 TWAP Arbitrum Bot on Arbitrum and submt here: https://explorer.gitcoin.co/#/round/42161/0x6142eedc06d80f3b362ce43b4ac52fad679dc850

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Projects must bring value to the Uniswap protocol within the Arbitrum ecosystem.
  2. Grant request must be between $50k and $250k.
  3. Ideas must cover published RFPs, more info here: https://uagp.notion.site/Request-for-Proposals-RFPs-367778d1df754a88b7ce3f889604c209.
  4. Undergo KYC/KYB if your idea is approved to receive a grant.
taariq commented 5 months ago

Our Grant focus: Uniswap on Arbitrum Ecosystem tools or products

  1. This will be the Volume Uniswap V3 Bot on Arbitrum.
fieldtheory123 commented 5 months ago
