VolumeFi / paloma

The fast blockchain messenger protocol
Apache License 2.0
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[LIGHTNODE SALE] Upgrade the Python Deposit Script to ask for Paloma Contract Address, Amount, #2050

Closed taariq closed 2 months ago

taariq commented 2 months ago

As a user, I want to use the Python script to prepay for my Paloma contract execution so that I can choose the chain, the amount, and the Paloma address that can run executions on the target chain.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Fork Current Python to run and return list of chains where prepayment is needed. I want to enter a number.
  2. Python Script asks for Paloma address that will execute txes
  3. Python Script asks for EVM address that needs funding
  4. Python script asks for Funding amount
  5. Python script asks to connect wallet and complete the funding transaction

NOTE: Current Python script is here: https://github.com/VolumeFi/w3tools/blob/master/depositor/deposit_funds.py

webelf101 commented 2 months ago

Vyper or python? @taariq

taariq commented 2 months ago

Fixed and working!