VolunteerLiveTeam / Marconi

the VLT stats bot. keeps track of reddit live thread viewers via an influxdb backend.
ISC License
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Implement slack commands #2

Open ylt opened 7 years ago

pironic commented 7 years ago

!start [name] - will start a new live thread with an optional argument for a name. will append the resources snippet from the wiki and define the [](#channel) in the footer of the resources if called from a non-default channel.

!link<url> - will begin tracking a live thread not started with the !start command if called from a room. Must be called from the room to which it will associate the live thread with. can also be used to link a room to a live thread already tracked.

!stop/!close [mid closing message] - will post the final message with an optionally provided message in the middle, as defined on the wiki then report no further updates. -> the bot will post a message asking for confirmation which then Must be emoji approved with a :heavy_check_mark: (maybe 2 people have to emoji approve?) Can only be called from a channel that is associated with a live thread.

!addme </u/username> - will add the defined user as a full-perm contributor to the live thread associated with the channel it was called from. Can only be called from a channel that is associated with a live thread.

!note <msg> - will add an annotation in the influx db with the title of something like 'note added by @user from slack #channel' and a detailed note of whatever is passed in the msg. Can only be called from a channel that is associated with a live thread.

!post <msg> - will make a live thread update from the bot in the live thread. Can only be called from a channel that is associated with a live thread.