VonHeikemen / lsp-zero.nvim

A starting point to setup some lsp related features in neovim.
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How to configure efm? #388

Open RudolfVonKrugstein opened 5 months ago

RudolfVonKrugstein commented 5 months ago


I am trying to configure efm to use markdown-lint and pandoc in markdown. Following this https://github.com/VonHeikemen/lsp-zero.nvim/blob/efm-client/doc/md/api-reference.md#efmtoolsopts I did:

-- setup efm
local efm_opts = lsp_zero.efm.tools({ -- this is line 201, from the error below
    name = "markdown-lint",
    lintCommand = "markdownlint -s",
    lintStdin = true,
    lintFormats = {
      "%f:%l %m",
      "%f:%l:%c %m",
      "%f: %l: %m",
    languages = { "markdown" },
    name = "markdown-pandoc",
    formatCommand = "pandoc -f markdown -t gfm -sp --tab-stop=2",
    languages = { "markdown" },

But when running this, I get:

Error detected while processing /home/nathan/dotfiles/nvim/init.lua:
E5113: Error while calling lua chunk: /home/nathan/dotfiles/nvim/init.lua:201: attempt to index field 'efm' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        /home/nathan/dotfiles/nvim/init.lua:201: in main chunk

Why? What shall I do different?


VonHeikemen commented 5 months ago

That feature was never merged in any release branch. So you have to add all the relevant options to lspconfig manually.

I would do something like this.

local efm_tools = {
  pandoc = {
    formatCommand = "pandoc -f markdown -t gfm -sp --tab-stop=2",
  markdownlint = {
    lintCommand = "markdownlint -s",
    lintStdin = true,
    lintFormats = {
      "%f:%l %m",
      "%f:%l:%c %m",
      "%f: %l: %m",

  init_options = {
    -- enable the options that your tools support
    documentFormatting = true,
    documentRangeFormatting = false,
    hover = false,
    documentSymbol = false,
    completion = false,
    codeAction = false
  settings = {
    rootMarkers = {'.git/'},
    -- here you configure the tools per language
    languages = {
      markdown = {
  -- list of file types where the language server will be active
  filetypes = {