Vonage / Grafana_Status_panel

A panel plugin for Grafana to monitor multiple parameters at once
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After upgrade to Grafana 5.2, status panel doesnt display #117

Open gasparuben opened 6 years ago

gasparuben commented 6 years ago


We have recently upgraded to grafana 5.2 (which runs as a container in openshift). The vonage-status-panel stopped working. I have upgraded to latest v1.0.8 but still same behavior. Some how the css can be initialized. Please see figure attached. Looking at my plugins directory I see well all contents for "Vonage-Grafana_Status_panel-1.0.8-0-ge1cadda.zip"

Please let me know, Thank you, Ruben


jagranados commented 6 years ago


Same issue on some browsers:

Thank you, JAG

jagranados commented 6 years ago

Hello, I suspect that the error is related to the issue #114 and https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/9692 My installation consists of Apache/ldap/Auth.proxy and the public resources are under the authenticated context. I'm going to try this: https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/9692#issuecomment-339874344

jagranados commented 6 years ago

Hi, It works now.

This is an extract of my configuration:

<Location /dashboard> AuthType basic AuthName "XXXXX" AuthBasicProvider ldap AuthLDAPUrl ldap://ldap.myhome.com/o=myorg,c=com?uid?sub Require valid-user AuthLDAPRemoteUserAttribute uid AuthLDAPRemoteUserIsDN off

<Location /dashboard/grafana/public> Order Deny,Allow Allow from all Satisfy any

gasparuben commented 6 years ago


Please could you be more clear, I have tried the most obvious path but I still get the issue. This is my config:

` RequestHeader unset X-Remote-User
LimitRequestLine 65536
<Location "/"> ShibRequestSetting requireSession 1 AuthType shibboleth

Require valid-user Require shib-attr ADFS_GROUP grpA grpB

RequestHeader set X-Remote-User %{ADFS_LOGIN}e `

The error I see on the container is: t=2018-07-10T17:27:55+0200 lvl=info msg="Request Completed" logger=context userId=1 orgId=1 uname=toto method=GET path=/public/plugins/vonage-status-panel/css/status_panel.cs status=404 remote_addr="::ffff:," time_ms=1532 size=17010 referer="https://login.XXXX " THank you, Ruben

rdxmb commented 3 years ago

can this be closed?