Vonage / vonage-java-code-snippets

Java code examples for using Vonage
MIT License
11 stars 31 forks source link

Add outbound call example. #2

Closed judy2k closed 7 years ago

judy2k commented 7 years ago

Do we really need the copyright in the header of example code?

Well technically if you don't provide the copyright, then you're not giving people permission to use it - default copyright is pretty restrictive!

(But the main reason it's in there is because it's in my IDE's Java template. Happy to take it out if you think it's intimidating!)

leggetter commented 7 years ago

@judy2k to summarise - how about we...

  1. move to using PRIVATE_KEY and use the String version (great that it supports that 👍)
  2. remove the copyright from each file and ensure we have a LICENSE file in the repo
  3. provide instructions to execute a command to run this example in the README. There will be multiple examples so I'm guessing this won't be a gradle command