Vonage / vonage-php-code-snippets

PHP code examples for using Vonage APIs
MIT License
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Undefined constant "App\Http\Controllers\BRAND_NAME" #77

Closed Abbas-programmer closed 2 years ago

Abbas-programmer commented 2 years ago

$response = $client->sms()->send( new \Vonage\SMS\Message\SMS("+919867468642", BRAND_NAME, 'A text message sent using the Nexmo SMS API') error in this line on BRAND_NAME );

    $message = $response->current();

    if ($message->getStatus() == 0) {
        echo "The message was sent successfully\n";
    } else {
        echo "The message failed with status: " . $message->getStatus() . "\n";
SecondeJK commented 2 years ago

BRAND_NAME in this case refers to a placeholder. It is up to the developer to replace this with a string of their choice.