VoodooSMBus / VoodooRMI

Synaptic Trackpad driver over SMBus/I2C for macOS
GNU General Public License v2.0
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trackpad have lag and double tab not good 3finger for change desktop #139

Closed Edwardwich closed 2 years ago

Edwardwich commented 2 years ago

trackpad have lag and double tab not good 3finger for change desktop trackpad have lag and double tab not good 3finger for change desktop this problem only on Mac OS Monterey

To Reproduce voodooRMI.kext-v13.5 VoodooPS2Controller.kext-v2.2.7



Log log from Hackintool

log .zip

1Revenger1 commented 2 years ago

ACPIBatteryManager known to cause issues due to sleep delays in the _STA method for your batteries. Try using VirtualSMC

Edwardwich commented 2 years ago

ACPIBatteryManager known to cause issues due to sleep delays in the _STA method for your batteries. Try using VirtualSMC

I can't use smc battery manger kext I have power inductor problem

When laptop using adapter after back changing Mac show adapter using

I use EC enable kext And Apci battery manger kext Plz help

Edwardwich commented 2 years ago

Its my laptop git https://github.com/OpenIntelWireless/itlwm

1Revenger1 commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I don't really understand what you are saying. It sounds like possibly an issue with your BAT device not getting notifications when plugging/unplugging the device. I'd try with ACPIBatteryManager anyways just to see if the issue goes away. If it does, then you can spend more time making it work better.

Edwardwich commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I don't really understand what you are saying. It sounds like possibly an issue with your BAT device not getting notifications when plugging/unplugging the device. I'd try with ACPIBatteryManager anyways just to see if the issue goes away. If it does, then you can spend more time making it work better.

plz see this picture

laptop adapor 60w and show 300w: IMAGE 1400-08-27 12:48:29

and after show using adapter :

IMAGE 1400-08-27 12:53:51

IMAGE 1400-08-27 12:48:22

and after back to charging :

IMAGE 1400-08-27 12:48:25

IMAGE 1400-08-27 12:48:35

IORegistry: ioreg-smcbattery.zip

1Revenger1 commented 2 years ago

Oops, meant SMCBatteryManager in my previous post.

Does the lag go away when using SMCBatteryManager? Not worth trying to fix power adapter status if it doesn't fix the issue.

Edwardwich commented 2 years ago

Oops, meant SMCBatteryManager in my previous post.

Does the lag go away when using SMCBatteryManager? Not worth trying to fix power adapter status if it doesn't fix the issue.

Trackpad work better But have some lag

This problem I have smc battery manger kext Is it non-fixable? Iuse hackintosh Forums in telegram but no one find for fix this problem Can you help?