VoodooSMBus / VoodooRMI

Synaptic Trackpad driver over SMBus/I2C for macOS
GNU General Public License v2.0
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(Rarely) System won't boot with VoodooRMI #143

Open sawarek opened 2 years ago

sawarek commented 2 years ago

I'm using the latest versions of VoodooI2C and VoodooRMI (I2C kexts): 2.6.5. and 1.3.4. My touchpad works, but sometimes the system just won't boot and stuck on busy timeout[0], (60s) IOHIDInterface, then on apple logo. When it happens I can hear a short sound (maybe HID initialization?)

After hard reset I can boot again and can enter to the system.

sawarek commented 2 years ago

Checked dmesg:

VRMI - Info: RMI Bus (RELEASE) Starting up!
VRMI - Info: RMII2C::TPD0 reset completed
VRMI - Error: Unable to reset
VRMI - Error: RMI initial reset failed! Continuing in spite of this
VRMI - Info: Initializing F34.
VRMI - Info: F34 not implemented
VRMI - Info: Initializing F01.
VRMI - Info: Found RMI4 device, manufacturer: Synaptics, product: TM3096-006, fw id: 2430125
VRMI - Info: Initializing F11.
VRMI - Info: Initializing F54.
VRMI - Info: F54 not implemented
VRMI - Info: Initializing F30.

Screen Shot 2022-01-05 at 6 33 30 PM

1Revenger1 commented 2 years ago

Weird, I'm not really sure what would cause this. VoodooRMI doesn't use any of the HID services Apple provides. Can you confirm this only happens when using VoodooRMI? I'm wondering if it's some other device. VoodooInput is the driver more closely using Apple's HID services, and hasn't had any similar issues for SMBus/PS2 trackpads as far as I am aware.

sawarek commented 2 years ago

Can confirm. I tried many times. This happens only when I’m using RMI (VoodooRMI, RMII2C and VoodooInput). The system won’t boot (from time to time), especially after restart. Sometimes it boots after 1 hard reset, sometimes - after second hard reset.

No problem with booting while using VoodooI2C + VoodoI2CSynaptics + VoodooPS2.

I tried to remove USB, Bluetooth kexts.

sawarek commented 2 years ago
Users-MacBook-Pro:~ user$ kextstat | grep Voodoo
   40    1 0xffffff7f8357e000 0xb000     0xb000     com.alexandred.VoodooI2CServices (1) DBFA5EBE-2783-30ED-8E39-5829C42D6832 <5 3>
   52    1 0xffffff7f83558000 0x1f000    0x1f000    org.coolstar.VoodooGPIO (1.1) FB3BE4D0-E5F6-30B4-9797-DE6ADDEC2F90 <12 6 5 3>
   62    1 0xffffff7f83589000 0x2f000    0x2f000    com.alexandred.VoodooI2C (2.5.2) 46356335-D26B-38BF-ACE3-43565C70A2C8 <54 52 40 13 12 6 5 3 1>
   93    1 0xffffff7f835c3000 0x22000    0x22000    com.1Revenger1.VoodooRMI (1.3.4) E101F26E-9935-3092-AFF4-7796D1B84130 <6 5 3>
  101    0 0xffffff7f835fb000 0x6000     0x6000     me.kishorprins.VoodooInput (1.1.3) 374A88BF-5D62-3ED2-8E75-6A331AF58A2E <54 6 5 3>
singhalrishi27 commented 2 years ago

Same happened with me

ethernetme commented 2 years ago

Same happens to me, but it just happens with VoodooRMI 1.3.4. I use VoodooRMI 1.3.3, but with this version the touchpad stops working on wake. Please help.

FreeJHack commented 2 years ago

I had the same boot issue and after some testing I found a solution (for laptop only). What I discovered is that set 1 sec in the "FirstPollDelay" property of ACPIBatteryManager resolved the issue. You could try with different values but with higher values may arise an issue with battery recognition during start-up: this depends on how fast your laptop is. Even the kext loading sequence in OC's kernel configuration is important. Please, also note that I'm running Mojave with FakeSMC, ACPIBatteryManager and OC 0.7.9, not tested on newer OSXs. Hope this could be helpful, in any case, it could be a good starting point to evaluate this issue.

ethernetme commented 1 year ago

I had the same boot issue and after some testing I found a solution (for laptop only). What I discovered is that set 1 sec in the "FirstPollDelay" property of ACPIBatteryManager resolved the issue. You could try with different values but with higher values may arise an issue with battery recognition during start-up: this depends on how fast your laptop is. Even the kext loading sequence in OC's kernel configuration is important. Please, also note that I'm running Mojave with FakeSMC, ACPIBatteryManager and OC 0.7.9, not tested on newer OSXs. Hope this could be helpful, in any case, it could be a good starting point to evaluate this issue.

I am running MacOS Monterey with OC 0.8.3 and VirtualSMC. Did you find any way to resolve the issue with VirtualSMC ?