Voog / wysihtml

Open source rich text editor for the modern web
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How to set up the parser rules to copy and paste from word? #221

Open steffimueller opened 9 years ago

steffimueller commented 9 years ago

I looked up into the advanced.js parser rule but I do not get how I do subsequently add tags that are allowed.

Assume to start from the simple.js rule where everything is blocked. How do I know which tags I have to add when copying something from word?

With the simple rule I get:

 /* Font Definitions */
    {font-family:"Cambria Math";
    panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;
    mso-font-signature:0 0 0 0 0 0;}
    panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;
    mso-font-signature:3 0 0 0 1 0;}
 /* Style Definitions */
p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal
    mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";
    mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";
@page WordSection1
    {size:612.0pt 792.0pt;
    margin:70.85pt 70.85pt 2.0cm 70.85pt;

Über den Dächern von Hamburgs Stadtteil Heimfeld

What does this tell me to add? Thanks for help.

MartinBusch commented 9 years ago

+1 @pulges please could you give a descriptino on that or some wiki would help.

hmillet commented 8 years ago

+1 @pulges

How can we remove this "comment" part ?

Moreover, I always got strange characters at the end of the text

Between "" and the strange characters, all the content seems perfect .

Thanks for your help

GGuru commented 8 years ago

I don't think this works as expected. @pulges thinks that there are some issues here. @hmillet, do you have "comments: 1" set in your current rules config?. You can remove that config to get rid of all the comments in your copy paste.

hmillet commented 8 years ago

No I don't.

Here's my config file :

 * https://github.com/Voog/wysihtml/wiki/Supported-Commands
window.wysihtml5ParserRules = {
  classes: {
    "wysiwyg-text-align-left": 1,
    "wysiwyg-text-align-center": 1,
    "wysiwyg-text-align-right": 1,
    "wysiwyg-text-align-justify": 1,
  classes_blacklist: {
    "Apple-interchange-newline": 1,
    "MsoNormal": 1,
    "MsoPlainText": 1
  tags: {
    strong: { rename_tag: "b" },
    b:      {},
    i:      {},
    em:     { rename_tag: "i" },
    u:      {},
    br:     {},
    p:      {},
    div:    {},
    span:   {},
    ul:     {},
    ol:     {},
    li:     {},
    comment: { remove: 1 },

(function(wysihtml5) {
    // Paste cleanup rules universal for all rules (also applied to content copied from editor)
    var commonRules = wysihtml5.lang.object(window.wysihtml5ParserRules).clone(true);
    commonRules.comments    = false;
    commonRules.selectors   = { "a u": "unwrap"};
    commonRules.tags.style  = { "remove": 1 };
    commonRules.tags.script = { "remove": 1 };
    commonRules.tags.head = { "remove": 1 };

    // Paste cleanup for unindentified source
    var universalRules = wysihtml5.lang.object(commonRules).clone(true);
    universalRules.tags.div.one_of_type.alignment_object = 1;
    universalRules.tags.div.remove_action = "unwrap";
    universalRules.tags.div.check_attributes.style = false;
    universalRules.tags.div.keep_styles = {
        "textAlign": /^((left)|(right)|(center)|(justify))$/i,
        "float": 1
    universalRules.tags.span.keep_styles = false;

    // Paste cleanup for MS Office
    // TODO: should be extended to stricter ruleset, as current set will probably not cover all Office bizarreness
    var msOfficeRules = wysihtml5.lang.object(universalRules).clone(true);
    msOfficeRules.classes = {};

    window.wysihtml5ParserPasteRulesets = [
            condition: /<font face="Times New Roman"|class="?Mso|style="[^"]*\bmso-|style='[^'']*\bmso-|w:WordDocument|class="OutlineElement|id="?docs\-internal\-guid\-/i,
            set: msOfficeRules
            condition: /<meta name="copied-from" content="wysihtml5">/i,
            set: commonRules
            set: universalRules

GGuru commented 8 years ago

I don't have paste parser rules set. Did you try without setting the paste config while creating editor instance?

hmillet commented 8 years ago

Yes I tried without the part :

(function(wysihtml5) {

Result is the same.

Here's mys instanciation code :

        myEditor = new wysihtml5.Editor('proposal-synthesis-editor', {
          toolbar: 'proposa-synthesis-toolbar',
          parserRules:  window.wysihtml5ParserRules,
          handleTabKey: true,
          handleTables: true,
          useLineBreaks: false,
GGuru commented 8 years ago

Is this something to do with the environment?. I see no comments on copy paste in latest chrome on Mac. This is the config I use. You can give this a try.

var wysihtml5ParserRulesDefaults = {
    "blockLevelEl": {
        "keep_styles": {
            "textAlign": /^((left)|(right)|(center)|(justify))$/i,
            "float": 1
        "add_style": {
            "align": "align_text"
        "check_attributes": {
            "id": "any"

    "makeDiv": {
        "rename_tag": "div",
        "one_of_type": {
            "alignment_object": 1
        "remove_action": "unwrap",
        "keep_styles": {
            "textAlign": 1,
            "float": 1
        "add_style": {
            "align": "align_text"
        "check_attributes": {
            "id": "any"

var wysihtml5ParserRules = {
     * CSS Class white-list
     * Following CSS classes won't be removed when parsed by the wysihtml5 HTML parser
     * If all classes should pass "any" as classes value. Ex: "classes": "any"

    "classes": "any",

    /* blacklist of classes is only available if classes is set to any */
    "classes_blacklist": {
        "Apple-interchange-newline": 1,
        "MsoNormal": 1,
        "MsoPlainText": 1

    "type_definitions": {

        "alignment_object": {
            "classes": {
                "wysiwyg-text-align-center": 1,
                "wysiwyg-text-align-justify": 1,
                "wysiwyg-text-align-left": 1,
                "wysiwyg-text-align-right": 1,
                "wysiwyg-float-left": 1,
                "wysiwyg-float-right": 1
            "styles": {
                "float": ["left", "right"],
                "text-align": ["left", "right", "center"]

        "valid_image_src": {
            "attrs": {
                "src": /^[^data\:]/i

        "text_color_object": {
          "styles": {
            "color": true,
            "background-color": true

        "text_fontsize_object": {
          "styles": {
            "font-size": true

        "text_formatting_object": {
            "classes": {
                "wysiwyg-color-aqua": 1,
                "wysiwyg-color-black": 1,
                "wysiwyg-color-blue": 1,
                "wysiwyg-color-fuchsia": 1,
                "wysiwyg-color-gray": 1,
                "wysiwyg-color-green": 1,
                "wysiwyg-color-lime": 1,
                "wysiwyg-color-maroon": 1,
                "wysiwyg-color-navy": 1,
                "wysiwyg-color-olive": 1,
                "wysiwyg-color-purple": 1,
                "wysiwyg-color-red": 1,
                "wysiwyg-color-silver": 1,
                "wysiwyg-color-teal": 1,
                "wysiwyg-color-white": 1,
                "wysiwyg-color-yellow": 1,
                "wysiwyg-font-size-large": 1,
                "wysiwyg-font-size-larger": 1,
                "wysiwyg-font-size-medium": 1,
                "wysiwyg-font-size-small": 1,
                "wysiwyg-font-size-smaller": 1,
                "wysiwyg-font-size-x-large": 1,
                "wysiwyg-font-size-x-small": 1,
                "wysiwyg-font-size-xx-large": 1,
                "wysiwyg-font-size-xx-small": 1

   // "comments": 1, // if set allows comments to pass

     * Tag list
     * The following options are available:
     *    - add_class:        converts and deletes the given HTML4 attribute (align, clear, ...) via the given method to a css class
     *                        The following methods are implemented in wysihtml5.dom.parse:
     *                          - align_text:  converts align attribute values (right/left/center/justify) to their corresponding css class "wysiwyg-text-align-*")
     *                            <p align="center">foo</p> ... becomes ... <p> class="wysiwyg-text-align-center">foo</p>
     *                          - clear_br:    converts clear attribute values left/right/all/both to their corresponding css class "wysiwyg-clear-*"
     *                            <br clear="all"> ... becomes ... <br class="wysiwyg-clear-both">
     *                          - align_img:    converts align attribute values (right/left) on <img> to their corresponding css class "wysiwyg-float-*"
     *    - remove:             removes the element and its content
     *    - unwrap              removes element but leaves content
     *    - rename_tag:         renames the element to the given tag
     *    - set_class:          adds the given class to the element (note: make sure that the class is in the "classes" white list above)
     *    - set_attributes:     sets/overrides the given attributes
     *    - check_attributes:   checks the given HTML attribute via the given method
     *                            - url:            allows only valid urls (starting with http:// or https://)
     *                            - src:            allows something like "/foobar.jpg", "http://google.com", ...
     *                            - href:           allows something like "mailto:bert@foo.com", "http://google.com", "/foobar.jpg"
     *                            - alt:            strips unwanted characters. if the attribute is not set, then it gets set (to ensure valid and compatible HTML)
     *                            - numbers:  ensures that the attribute only contains numeric characters
     *                            - any:            allows anything to pass
    "tags": {
        "tr": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "strike": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "form": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "rt": {
            "rename_tag": "span"
        "code": {},
        "acronym": {
            "rename_tag": "span"
        "br": {
            "add_class": {
                "clear": "clear_br"
        "details": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "em": {},
        "title": {
            "remove": 1
        "multicol": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "figure": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "xmp": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "small": {
            "rename_tag": "span",
            "set_class": "wysiwyg-font-size-smaller",
            "check_attributes": {
                "id": "numbers"
        "area": {
            "remove": 1
        "time": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "dir": {
            "rename_tag": "ul"
        "bdi": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "command": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "ul": {
            "check_attributes": {
                "id": "any"
        "progress": {
            "rename_tag": "span"
        "dfn": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "iframe": {
           "remove": 1
        "figcaption": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "a": {
           "unwrap": 1
        "img": {
           "remove_tag": 1
        "rb": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "footer": wysihtml5ParserRulesDefaults.makeDiv,
        "noframes": {
            "remove": 1
        "abbr": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "u": {},
        "bgsound": {
            "remove": 1
        "sup": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "address": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "basefont": {
            "remove": 1
        "nav": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "h1": {
            "rename_tag": "strong"
        "h2": {
            "rename_tag": "strong"
        "h3": {
            "rename_tag": "strong"
        "h4": {
            "rename_tag": "strong"
        "h5": {
            "rename_tag": "strong"
        "h6": {
            "rename_tag": "strong"
        "head": {
            "unwrap": 1
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            "unwrap": 1
        "dd": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "s": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "li": {},
        "td": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "object": {
            "remove": 1

        "div": {
            "one_of_type": {
                "alignment_object": 1
            "remove_action": "unwrap",
            "keep_styles": {
                "textAlign": 1,
                "float": 1
            "add_style": {
                "align": "align_text"
            "check_attributes": {
                "id": "any",
                "contenteditable": "any"

        "option": {
        "select": {
        "i": {},
        "track": {
            "remove": 1
        "wbr": {
            "remove": 1
        "fieldset": {
            "unwrap": 1
        "big": {
            "rename_tag": "span",
            "set_class": "wysiwyg-font-size-larger"
        "button": {
            "remove": 1
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        "base": {
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                "cite": "url",
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        "span": {
            "rename_tag": "span",
            "check_attributes": {
                "id": "any",
                "contenteditable": "any"
        "sub": {
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            "remove": 1
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        "header": wysihtml5ParserRulesDefaults.makeDiv
hmillet commented 8 years ago

It works with your config !!

Thanks, it proves there's a way.

I will try to understand which part of your config file resolve my trouble.

GGuru commented 8 years ago

That is cool. Please share when you find it.

hmillet commented 8 years ago

I got it !!


    style:   { remove: 1 },

to my config file makes the trick. I also removed the window.wysihtml5ParserPasteRulesets definition, that seems useless.

Finally, I've got :

 * https://github.com/Voog/wysihtml/wiki/Supported-Commands
window.wysihtml5ParserRules = {
  classes: "any",
  classes_blacklist: {
    "Apple-interchange-newline": 1,
    "MsoNormal": 1,
    "MsoPlainText": 1
  tags: {
    strong: { rename_tag: "b" },
    b:      {},
    i:      {},
    em:     { rename_tag: "i" },
    u:      {},
    br:     {},
    p:      {},
    div:    {},
    span:   {},
    ul:     {},
    ol:     {},
    li:     {},
    comment: { remove: 1 },
    style:   { remove: 1 },

My last trouble with the paste from word is special characters at the end, like

pratap-vijay commented 8 years ago

Hi friend, I am using parser_rules/advanced_and_extended.js as parser rule, it is working fine on Firefox and IE , but on Chrome I have same issue with the paste from word is special characters at the end, Do you have any solution for this issue?

jmaicher commented 8 years ago

Using the methods outlined in this thread I was able to get rid of most word styles. But I'm facing the same problem as @hmillet. There are some cryptic characters left at the end.

Are there any known workarounds for this problem?

Baukino commented 7 years ago

Hi all, Does anyone has a a solution for the following problem from @hmillet ?

"My last trouble with the paste from word is special characters at the end, like

l��|s�@�� "

Manoj51 commented 7 years ago

@jmaicher @Baukino @pratap-vijay @hmillet were you able to figure out the solution for the above mentioned problem of yours?

jmaicher commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately not, still an open issue.

hmillet commented 7 years ago

Still a current issue forme too

rc1972 commented 7 years ago

This solved the issue for me: https://github.com/jhollingworth/bootstrap-wysihtml5/issues/7

jvrodrigo-scnby commented 7 years ago

I have the same problem like @hmillet, that write special characters at the end when copy and paste from Word: "My last trouble with the paste from word is special characters at the end, like

l��|s�@��" I have solved this problem adding this configuration when load wysihtml5: wysihtml5.dom.getPastedHtml = function(event) { var html; if (event.clipboardData) { html = event.clipboardData.getData('text/plain'); } return html; }; https://github.com/jhollingworth/bootstrap-wysihtml5/issues/314 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15046225/wysihtml5-copying-text-from-a-word-document-to-the-editor

This solution only get the text plain but don't get any style. If someone finds another solution, I'm happy to hear it.

Manoj51 commented 7 years ago

@jvrodrigo-scnby , What i observed was that, when copied from word, there is some extra content outside of the html tag. I think this is the reason for the random characters at the end of the pasted content. So i removed all the content after html tag. I have faced this problem only once, hence not sure if this is the right solution .

jvrodrigo-scnby commented 7 years ago

Hi @Manoj51, thanks for reply. How do you removed all the content after html tag?

Manoj51 commented 7 years ago

@jvrodrigo-scnby , I removed the extra content after the html tag in the cleanPastedHTML function in the code.

jvrodrigo-scnby commented 7 years ago

Hi @Manoj51, u mean this?: https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/ASPNET-MVC-Application-b4b0dc3f/sourcecode?fileId=148365&pathId=2125821849 /**