VorlonCD / bi-aidetection

Alarm system for Blue Iris based on Artificial Intelligence.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Deepstack randomly failing #324

Open johnseybert opened 2 years ago

johnseybert commented 2 years ago

Over the past few weeks I have started to get random failures of Deepstack with the following HTTPClient timeout errors:

2022-06-13 08:28:26.853845|Error|AITOOLS.EXE|ImageQueueLoop|Deepstack_Objects:|Garage Interior|None|...Problem with AI URL: ' HTTPClient timeout at 55 seconds ('HTTPClientTimeoutSeconds' is currently set to 55 in AITOOL.Settings.JSON file.): A task was canceled. [TaskCanceledException] (In AITOOL.GetDetectionsFromAIServer:2110)' - '' (URL ErrCount=1, max allowed of 5)|1224|7||7 Locally installed deepstack instance failed 3 times in a row. (autorestart_fail_count=3) Restarting Deepstack...|1226|7||7

Downloaded the latest version of Deepstack and installed, but still same issue. Restarting AITool, Blue Iris, and/or PC don't seem to affect the randomness. Not quite sure how to start troubleshooting, any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

Tinbum1 commented 2 years ago

I think I had that for a while. Are you using the GPU version. If so this worked for me in command prompt.

cd /d "C:\DeepStack\redis\" redis-cli FLUSHDB