Vorlonsoft / AndroidRate

AndroidRate is a library to help you promote your Android app by prompting users to rate the app after using it for a few days.
MIT License
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dialog error #5

Closed kasmadi17 closed 6 years ago

kasmadi17 commented 6 years ago

dialog error when app just back to home, when i open app again dialog error "window manager bad token". use AppRate.with(this).clearAgreeShowDialog() but nothing change. oh ya apprate.debug(true). sorry my english very bad. but android rate libarary is awesome

AlexanderLS commented 6 years ago

Hi @kasmadi17

We investigated this issue and fixed it in LIBbb10829. It's workaround. We need to know your Android OS version and phone or emulator you used?

window manager bad token error is common if developer forgot if (!activity.isFinishing()) { check before dialog.show();, but library has it.


kasmadi17 commented 6 years ago

thanks @AlexanderLS . xioami 3s os marshmallow . but my app set to run in background

AlexanderLS commented 6 years ago

Hi @kasmadi17,

LIBbb10829 was fix, not workaround. It's only thing that we can do on the library side. Users won't see any errors.

On the application side you can use AppRate.with(this).dismissRateDialog(). It dismisses Rate Dialog, removing it from the screen, and clears weak reference dialog object.


AlexanderLS commented 6 years ago

Hi @kasmadi17,

For example try to check AppRate.with(this).isShowingRateDialog() before your app goes to the background:

Depends on your app behavior...

kasmadi17 commented 6 years ago

oke thanks @AlexanderLS

AlexanderLS commented 6 years ago

Hi @kasmadi17,

Fix for related #6 - LIBbb20831