Vorquel / Similsax-Transtructors

A small mod that makes building easier and more fun
zlib License
2 stars 2 forks source link

Updated to 1.8.9 #5

Closed Lothrazar closed 8 years ago

Lothrazar commented 8 years ago

Barely any code changes are needed. the build.gradle file only needs updating. The other code changes are just to remove warnings.

I just really wanted to use this mod in my world :) :)

Vorquel commented 8 years ago

Actually, the 1.8.8 build works just fine for 1.8.9. No need for any changes. In addition, I plan on making Similsax Transtructors part of a larger mod for an "official" 1.8.9 build, which makes updating this repository unnecessary.

Lothrazar commented 8 years ago

Oh cool, didnt know that. I have a few other mods where the 1.8.8 build crashes in 189, so i just assumed :).

its a bit confusing on curseforge, people would there and think "welp, i guess it wont work in 189 then" and just not download it.

Vorquel commented 8 years ago

Yeah, curseforge isn't very clear with their versioning. I marked the 1.8.8 build as 1.8.9 compatible once forge for 1.8.9 was released, but that doesn't seem to have propagated beyond the page that hosts the 1.8.8 build. My version numbering doesn't help either, with a big "1.8.8" prefix