Voting-Rights-Code / Equitable-Polling-Locations

Optimization tool for selecting the most equiatable set of polling locations (by Kolm-Pollack distance)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Refactor code to merge in driving distance properly #24

Open abd1tus opened 9 months ago

abd1tus commented 9 months ago
abd1tus commented 9 months ago

Daphne: Driving distances working. Can run, but won't run merge to main until it fits better with locations of files and not accessing tables of distances multiple times. Code needs to be refactored. But can do runs before merge if needed - already been tested with Gwinnett. Discovered the issues with lat/lon in some cases.

Susama: Depending on what Juanma says, would like to rerun for counties we have. Try to figure out a way for middle ground - get driving distances up and running and call it a beta until we get QC in place.

Chad: can do some open street maps to google comparisons as QC. - millions of addresses so can't do them all.

abd1tus commented 9 months ago

Next step: incorporate a feature to handle edge cases where lat/lon that cannot be routed to in OSR. Include columns to indicate that an approximation was made and information about how the approximation was made - location that we manually snap to.

(Tom might have a solution on this and possibly paper?)