VowpalWabbit / vowpal_wabbit

Vowpal Wabbit is a machine learning system which pushes the frontier of machine learning with techniques such as online, hashing, allreduce, reductions, learning2search, active, and interactive learning.
8.47k stars 1.93k forks source link

Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libvw.0.dylib #580

Closed QuantLab closed 9 years ago

QuantLab commented 9 years ago

Hi ! I got this when tried to play around for the first time.

$ ./vw -h
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libvw.0.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/Playtaw1n/vowpal_wabbit/vowpalwabbit/.libs/vw
  Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap: 5
bscottm commented 9 years ago
libtool --mode=execute vowpalwabbit/vw -h

vw.0.dylib is a dynamically linked library, so it has to be on your PATH for the OS to find it. libtool --mode=execute does all of the necessary foo in order to execute vw without you having to munge PATH by hand.

QuantLab commented 9 years ago

When I type libtool --mode=execute vowpalwabbit/vw -h

I get: error: libtool: unknown option character-' in: --mode=execute Usage: libtool -static [-] file [...] [-filelist listfile[,dirname]] [-arch_only arch] [-sacLT] [-no_warning_for_no_symbols] Usage: libtool -dynamic [-] file [...] [-filelist listfile[,dirname]] [-arch_only arch] [-o output] [-install_name name] [-compatibility_version #] [-current_version #] [-seg1addr 0x#] [-segs_read_only_addr 0x#] [-segs_read_write_addr 0x#] [-seg_addr_table ] [-seg_addr_table_filename ] [-all_load] [-noall_load]`

the reason for this behavior may be different libtool libraries on mac os x:



So next I try glibtool --mode=execute vowpalwabbit/vw -h

which return the original issue :

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libvw.0.dylib Referenced from: /Users/Playtaw1n/SourceSoft/vowpal_wabbit/vowpalwabbit/.libs/vw Reason: image not found Trace/BPT trap: 5

ps. May it be that /usr/local/lib/libvw.0.dylib wasn't installed in the first place, cause I can't find it neither in usr/local/bin nor anywhere else through finder.

bscottm commented 9 years ago

The /usr/local/lib/libvw.0.dylib location for the shared library is an artifact of the autotools.

In the vowpal_wabbit directory, did you try:

./libtool --mode=execute vowpalwabbit/vw -h

Here's my output:

% ./libtool --mode=execute vowpalwabbit/vw -h
Num weight bits = 18
learning rate = 0.5
initial_t = 0
power_t = 0.5
using no cache
Reading datafile =
num sources = 1

VW options:
  --random_seed arg                     seed random number generator
  --ring_size arg                       size of example ring

Update options:
  -l [ --learning_rate ] arg            Set learning rate
  --power_t arg                         t power value
  --decay_learning_rate arg             Set Decay factor for learning_rate
                                        between passes
  --initial_t arg                       initial t value
  --feature_mask arg                    Use existing regressor to determine
                                        which parameters may be updated.  If no
                                        initial_regressor given, also used for
                                        initial weights.

Weight options:
  -i [ --initial_regressor ] arg        Initial regressor(s)
  --initial_weight arg                  Set all weights to an initial value of
  --random_weights arg                  make initial weights random
  --input_feature_regularizer arg       Per feature regularization input file

Parallelization options:
  --span_server arg                     Location of server for setting up
                                        spanning tree
  --unique_id arg                       unique id used for cluster parallel
  --total arg                           total number of nodes used in cluster
                                        parallel job
  --node arg                            node number in cluster parallel job

Diagnostic options:
  --version                             Version information
  -a [ --audit ]                        print weights of features
  -P [ --progress ] arg                 Progress update frequency. int:
                                        additive, float: multiplicative
  --quiet                               Don't output disgnostics and progress
  -h [ --help ]                         Look here: http://hunch.net/~vw/ and
                                        click on Tutorial.

Feature options:
  --hash arg                            how to hash the features. Available
                                        options: strings, all
  --ignore arg                          ignore namespaces beginning with
                                        character <arg>
  --keep arg                            keep namespaces beginning with
                                        character <arg>
  --redefine arg                        redefine namespaces beginning with
                                        characters of string S as namespace N.
                                        <arg> shall be in form 'N:=S' where :=
                                        is operator. Empty N or S are treated
                                        as default namespace. Use ':' as a
                                        wildcard in S.
  -b [ --bit_precision ] arg            number of bits in the feature table
  --noconstant                          Don't add a constant feature
  -C [ --constant ] arg                 Set initial value of constant
  --ngram arg                           Generate N grams. To generate N grams
                                        for a single namespace 'foo', arg
                                        should be fN.
  --skips arg                           Generate skips in N grams. This in
                                        conjunction with the ngram tag can be
                                        used to generate generalized
                                        n-skip-k-gram. To generate n-skips for
                                        a single namespace 'foo', arg should be
  --feature_limit arg                   limit to N features. To apply to a
                                        single namespace 'foo', arg should be
  --affix arg                           generate prefixes/suffixes of features;
                                        argument '+2a,-3b,+1' means generate
                                        2-char prefixes for namespace a, 3-char
                                        suffixes for b and 1 char prefixes for
                                        default namespace
  --spelling arg                        compute spelling features for a give
                                        namespace (use '_' for default
  --dictionary arg                      read a dictionary for additional
                                        features (arg either 'x:file' or just
  -q [ --quadratic ] arg                Create and use quadratic features
  --q: arg                              : corresponds to a wildcard for all
                                        printable characters
  --cubic arg                           Create and use cubic features

Example options:
  -t [ --testonly ]                     Ignore label information and just test
  --holdout_off                         no holdout data in multiple passes
  --holdout_period arg                  holdout period for test only, default
  --holdout_after arg                   holdout after n training examples,
                                        default off (disables holdout_period)
  --early_terminate arg                 Specify the number of passes tolerated
                                        when holdout loss doesn't decrease
                                        before early termination, default is 3
  --passes arg                          Number of Training Passes
  --initial_pass_length arg             initial number of examples per pass
  --examples arg                        number of examples to parse
  --min_prediction arg                  Smallest prediction to output
  --max_prediction arg                  Largest prediction to output
  --sort_features                       turn this on to disregard order in
                                        which features have been defined. This
                                        will lead to smaller cache sizes
  --loss_function arg (=squared)        Specify the loss function to be used,
                                        uses squared by default. Currently
                                        available ones are squared, classic,
                                        hinge, logistic and quantile.
  --quantile_tau arg (=0.5)             Parameter \tau associated with Quantile
                                        loss. Defaults to 0.5
  --l1 arg                              l_1 lambda
  --l2 arg                              l_2 lambda

Output model:
  -f [ --final_regressor ] arg          Final regressor
  --readable_model arg                  Output human-readable final regressor
                                        with numeric features
  --invert_hash arg                     Output human-readable final regressor
                                        with feature names.  Computationally
  --save_resume                         save extra state so learning can be
                                        resumed later with new data
  --save_per_pass                       Save the model after every pass over
  --output_feature_regularizer_binary arg
                                        Per feature regularization output file
  --output_feature_regularizer_text arg Per feature regularization output file,
                                        in text

Output options:
  -p [ --predictions ] arg              File to output predictions to
  -r [ --raw_predictions ] arg          File to output unnormalized predictions

Reduction options, use [option] --help for more info:

  --bootstrap arg                       k-way bootstrap by online importance

  --search arg                          Use learning to search,
                                        argument=maximum action id or 0 for LDF

  --cbify arg                           Convert multiclass on <k> classes into
                                        a contextual bandit problem

  --cb arg                              Use contextual bandit learning with <k>

  --csoaa_ldf arg                       Use one-against-all multiclass learning
                                        with label dependent features.  Specify
                                        singleline or multiline.

  --wap_ldf arg                         Use weighted all-pairs multiclass
                                        learning with label dependent features.
                                          Specify singleline or multiline.

  --csoaa arg                           One-against-all multiclass with <k>

  --multilabel_oaa arg                  One-against-all multilabel with <k>

  --log_multi arg                       Use online tree for multiclass

  --ect arg                             Error correcting tournament with <k>

  --oaa arg                             One-against-all multiclass with <k>

  --top arg                             top k recommendation

  --binary                              report loss as binary classification on

  --link arg (=identity)                Specify the link function: identity,
                                        logistic or glf1

  --stage_poly                          use stagewise polynomial feature

  --lrq arg                             use low rank quadratic features

  --autolink arg                        create link function with polynomial d

  --new_mf arg                          rank for reduction-based matrix

  --nn arg                              Sigmoidal feedforward network with <k>
                                        hidden units

  --active                              enable active learning

  --bfgs                                use bfgs optimization

  --conjugate_gradient                  use conjugate gradient based

  --lda arg                             Run lda with <int> topics

  --noop                                do no learning

  --print                               print examples

  --rank arg                            rank for matrix factorization.

  --sendto arg                          send examples to <host>

  --svrg                                Streaming Stochastic Variance Reduced

  --ftrl                                Follow the Regularized Leader

  --ksvm                                kernel svm

Gradient Descent options:
  --sgd                                 use regular stochastic gradient descent
  --adaptive                            use adaptive, individual learning
  --invariant                           use safe/importance aware updates.
  --normalized                          use per feature normalized updates
  --sparse_l2 arg (=0)                  use per feature normalized updates

Input options:
  -d [ --data ] arg                     Example Set
  --daemon                              persistent daemon mode on port 26542
  --port arg                            port to listen on; use 0 to pick unused
  --num_children arg                    number of children for persistent
                                        daemon mode
  --pid_file arg                        Write pid file in persistent daemon
  --port_file arg                       Write port used in persistent daemon
  -c [ --cache ]                        Use a cache.  The default is
  --cache_file arg                      The location(s) of cache_file.
  -k [ --kill_cache ]                   do not reuse existing cache: create a
                                        new one always
  --compressed                          use gzip format whenever possible. If a
                                        cache file is being created, this
                                        option creates a compressed cache file.
                                        A mixture of raw-text & compressed
                                        inputs are supported with
  --no_stdin                            do not default to reading from stdin

You want to use the libtool that is automagically generated for the project, i.e., the one in the vowpal_wabbit directory.

bscottm commented 9 years ago

What's the output when you invoke the following:

$ file vowpalwabbit/vw

It should be a shell script. If not, there's something more interesting going on in your development environment.

QuantLab commented 9 years ago

Last time I tried vw libtool also ./libtool --mode=execute vowpalwabbit/vw -h

the result was the same as with glibtool :
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libvw.0.dylib Referenced from: /Users/Playtaw1n/SourceSoft/vowpal_wabbit/vowpalwabbit/.libs/vw Reason: image not found Trace/BPT trap: 5

the output of file vowpalwabbit/vw is vowpalwabbit/vw: POSIX shell script text executable

arielf commented 9 years ago

Inconsistency in this env?

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libvw.0.dylib Referenced from: /Users/Playtaw1n/SourceSoft/vowpal_wabbit/vowpalwabbit/.libs/vw Reason: image not found Trace/BPT trap: 5

Seems to mix the install location (/usr/local/lib) and the work/build location: (vowpalwabbit/...) I'm not familiar with Mac-OS dynamic loader (nor with libtool for that matter) but this sounds like if the file under /usr/local/ is missing, it should be installed, no? Maybe a chicken and egg issue?

On Linux you'd normally just run sudo ldconfig /some/new/library-directory once if a non-standard library-directory gets added, and the dynamic loader becomes aware of new location.

QuantLab commented 9 years ago

"...but this sounds like if the file under /usr/local/ is missing, it should be installed, no?" I think so too ;) but than there is a question - should it be there after vw installation? if so, why it is not there? By the way this is the link to my make process https://github.com/JohnLangford/vowpal_wabbit/issues/578

bscottm commented 9 years ago

Not necessarily. The linker has to embed some path to the shared library so that the runtime linker (rtld) knows where to find it. By default, autotools uses the standard install prefix, /usr/local (unless you override it with the --prefix argument to configure).

But it sounds as if your development environment is TFU-ed in some way. Not sure offhand what it could be. It "just works" for me.

QuantLab commented 9 years ago

Hmm, that is strange because my development environment is almost virgin ;)

QuantLab commented 9 years ago

But still after correct installation shouldn't libvw.0.dylib appear somewhere in the system?

QuantLab commented 9 years ago

Or is it possible for installer to not fully build software but pretend like everything is ok?

arielf commented 9 years ago

Have you tried to build using make only from a pristine tree (i.e. no autogen.sh/automake etc.)?

QuantLab commented 9 years ago

Ok, I've solved it. For people with little or no experience in building from source ( like me ;) ) you really should add to instructions one last step - sudo make install Lol

PS. Thanks for participation. PSS. One more question - do I now actually need the source folder? or is it advised to make clean after installation?

bscottm commented 9 years ago

@Playtaw1n: You shouldn't have had to make install -- there's something else going on in your environment that is different from the rest of us.

arielf commented 9 years ago

do I now actually need the source folder? or is it advised to make clean after installation?

The two are not mutually exclusive.

Ultimately, it is your choice. The source tree has some goodies that aren't being installed by default, e.g. some useful utilities under utl, some nice demos under demo. However, if you only need vw, you don't need to keep the source tree. As for make clean: It will release some disk space due to removal of compiled binaries, but note that the .git repo itself, with all the history is currently the biggest space consumer @ ~129M. Way bigger than the compiled binaries.

bscottm commented 9 years ago

@Playtaw1n, @arielf: What I meant was that @Playtaw1n shouldn't have to make install in order to run vowpalwabbit/vw in-place. I have a fairly mature development environment on 10.8 (I can't upgrade to 10.9 because it hasn't been blessed by internal security). I can run vowpalwabbit/vw in-place without make install. Hence my skepticism that make install is required.

arielf commented 9 years ago

@bscottm yes, I understood you, and I agree. I was just responding to @Playtaw1n other Qs :-)

QuantLab commented 9 years ago

@bscottm Given installation instructions here I thought the same, but for some reason it didn't work for me. However in discovered INSTAL text file inside cloned vw folder it's written to make install, also browsing the web in search for solution some people also mentioned make install in their experience, but maybe it was a must for earlier versions, i don't know.