Voxel-Fox-Ltd / MarriageBot

A Discord bot for fake marriages
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[Suggestion] View Master Tree #13

Closed StratoSTARbyHIRO closed 5 years ago

StratoSTARbyHIRO commented 5 years ago

The capability of viewing all members family trees at once in one large picture (however a limit of 100 users, we can say for example before another family tree picture is posted as part 1 of X)

4Kaylum commented 5 years ago

I've experimented with things like that before. Frankly, the addition of every family member just makes the tree look messy; lines overlapping when it comes to adding parents to people with siblings or who are married - it just doesn't look great.

The extra effort that would be required in setting it up properly is more than I'm willing to put in, frankly.

And paginating results of a family tree is also a bit of an issue, since depth doesn't consistently get larger or smaller as you go up certain branches.

If you want everyone in one big picture, feel free to get the tree output as a GEDCOM file (treefile command will get you that) and look at it in a tree viewing program like that.