Voxelers / 3d

3D in Voxelers
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ROADMAP to 3D Animations with Blender and Godot Workshop #58

Open acs opened 1 year ago

acs commented 1 year ago

Let's use this ticket to coordinate the workshop for the next esLibre congress in Zaragoza. The approach is similar to the one in: https://github.com/Voxelers/3d/issues/45

Quick initial ideas:

acs commented 1 year ago

To send the workshop: https://eslib.re/2023/enviar/propuestas

"El envío de propuestas está oficialmente abierto en una primera fase hasta el 15 de enero y una segunda fase hasta el 19 de marzo, así que puedes informarte sobre cómo proponer actividades para el congreso en la página de envío de propuestas."

acs commented 1 year ago

Things to check: https://twitter.com/KenneyNL/status/1569642169878646788

acs commented 1 year ago

I need to explore if animation is different from movement/motion, if animation refers to the illusion of movement ... it is key to define the concepts as we will use it. For my animation is adding "life" to static scenes. Let's see.

According to Blender: Animation is making an object move or change shape over time. Objects can be animated in many ways:

Then we can start categorizing animations in:

My main focus now is the use case of a 3d character (probably a simple human) walking in a 3D world. It is a basic step to start creating to be explored worlds. And then, we can add additional animations later.

acs commented 1 year ago

We will need a world in which to move around our animated characters. I think I will use the word avatar instead of character. But probably an avatar is the digital twin of a person (alter ego). And a character has no limitations. Food for thought.

acs commented 1 year ago

We are opening a lot of cool things in the past 3 days. We need to settle down a bit all to define the focus for the workshop.

acs commented 1 year ago

I have already sent the proposal:


acs commented 1 year ago

I have doubts about the goal of the workshop. Try to explain the animations concepts or just show how to animate so people experience the process? If the experience is intense enough, they will explore later animations concepts and so on. And during the practical workshop, the core concepts will appear.