Voxelmetric / Voxelmetric1

Legacy Voxelmetric framework
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Support for liquid blocks #21

Open andersarpi opened 9 years ago

andersarpi commented 9 years ago

I realise this is quite a big feature. I've tried dabbling with some ideas a bit and been stumbling just as much. Maybe liquid blocks are best done in an iterative fashion? There are a few things needed:

Like I said I realise this is quite a big one - just wanted to write it down here for future reference and discussion.

thegreatpl commented 9 years ago

Block physics such as falling blocks are handled in minecraft by spawning an entity that falls, then readds it wherever it lands. Now, that would be simple for things like falling straight down (in theory), but if you want to blow up a portion of the terrain and have wreckage go everywhere... Well, would look funny to land and suddenly jump to align with blocks. Something I've been thinking about as I want to make a proc-genned super hero game, and voxels seem the best way to make the map.

HeadClot commented 9 years ago

So - Thought I would chime in here.

There is a game called Seed Of Andromeda and they use cellular automata in conjunction with physics to simulate mass physics simulations with blocks. He does it by batching and instancing elements of the simulation.



Watch the videos I have linked and see what I mean there is no slow down and there is no hiccups either. These are some very big simulations :)